Template:All active LIMS vendors

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Vendor Key LIMS offering(s) SaaS
Key information Additional notes
10BioSystems, LLC LabCentral Yes United States
AAC Infotray AG Limsophy LIMS No Switzerland
ABB Ltd. Knowledge Manager Yes United States Sold CCLAS LIMS to Datamine Software Ltd. in August 2019.[1]
ABI-Health Technologies Pvt. Ltd. ABI LIMS No India LIMS is part of the SmartLabs platform.
Adifo NV BESTMIX LIMS No Belgium Former product Laboras now seems defunct.
Advanced Business Software PHIMS No United States
Advanced Solutions Accelerator SAS 100 lims No France
Advanced Technical Software uniLIME No Austria Former product q/LIME seems no longer supported.
Advanced Technology Corp. VADDS, VETSTAR No United States
Agaram Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Qualis LIMS Yes India Demonstration videos
AgiLab SAS AgiLIMS Yes France
Agile Frameworks, LLC MetaField Yes United States Demonstration videos A field information management system for architecture,
engineering, and construction that contains a full LIMS module
AgileBio LabCollector Yes United States Pricing and demonstration videos
Agilent Technologies, Inc.
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iLab Operations Software, SLIMS Yes United States Demonstration videos Agilent acquired the iLab core facility management software in 2016.[2]
Agilent acquired Genohm SA in May 2018.[3][4]
AHP GmbH iQ-LIMS No Germany
AINZ Corp. LabFlow Yes United States Pricing and demonstration videos Cannabis-oriented LIMS; former product was PharmWare.
Alcor SPRL CI-Master, LabTec No Belgium
Alpha Technologies US, LP Enterprise No United States
Ambidata Digital Innovation Solutions & Consulting, Lda. LabWay-LIMS No Portugal
American Technical Services, Inc. MOX No United States "Laboratory workflow and [metrology] management system" with LIMS module
Analytical Information Systems, Ltd. AIS LIMS No United Kingdom
Aquatic Informatics, Inc. AQUARIUS Yes Canada Demonstration videos Not marketed as a LIMS, but software suite has
extensive LIMS functionality.
ASM Soft SL asmLIMS No Spain
Assaynet Inc. Assaynet LIMS No Canada Demonstration videos Previous name for LIMS2010 was LIMS2003.
Asterian, LLC
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ArgoLIMS Yes United States See the LIS vendor page for QuikLIMS.
Asystance B.V. AlisQI LIMS Yes Netherlands Demonstration videos
ATGC Labs, LLC ActiveLIMS No United States
Aurora Systems, Inc. VisuaLab No United States
Autoscribe Informatics, Inc.
Matrix Gemini, Matrix Express Yes United States Pricing and demonstration videos North American distributor/support team was Zumatrix, Inc.
until it was absorbed into new entity Autoscribe Informatics, Inc.[5]
BARTELT GmbH datalabX No Austria
Bassetti France SAS TEEXMA LIMS No France
Batalyse GmbH Mind No Germany Demonstration videos
Baytek International, Inc. cBLISS Yes United States Product line changed in summer 2017 with introduction of cBLISS.
Beijing Bio-LIMS Soft Co. Ltd. Bio-LIMS No China
Benchling, Inc.
Benchling Notebook Yes United States Pricing and demonstration videos All but Enterprise pricing made public.
Bentley Systems, Inc. KeyLAB No United States Acquired Keynetix Ltd. and KeyLAB in 2019.[6]
BGASoft, Inc. LIMS ABC Yes United States
Bika Lab Systems (Pty) Ltd. Bika LIMS Yes South Africa Pricing Also available at SourceForge.net under GPL.
Bio-Analytical Technologies Pvt. Ltd. BioClinical No India
Bio-ITech BV eLABInventory and eLABJournal Yes The Netherlands Pricing and demonstration videos Neither is a true traditional LIMS; Inventory is a sample manager
and Journal is an ELN with the features of Inventory. However, both
have LIMS-like features.
BioFortis, Inc. Labmatrix No United States
BioInfoRx, Inc. mLIMS Yes United States Pricing and demonstration videos Animal colony management LIMS
Biomatters Ltd. Geneious No New Zealand Pricing and demonstration videos
Biomed Systems Ltd. LABA Yes England Pricing and demonstration videos Biotechnology and biobanking LIMS
BioSoft Integrators, LLC LabOptimize No United States
Bit Wave Solutions Ltd. Labsols LIMS Yes United Kingdom
Blaze Systems Corporation
BlazeLIMS Yes United States Pricing and demonstration videos
Blomesystem GmbH LABbase No Germany readyLIMS appears to have been discontinued in 2019 or 2020.
Bode Cellmark Forensics, Inc. BodeLIMS No United States
Brooks Automation, Inc. FreezerPro, Azenta Lifecycle
Management Platform
Yes United States Pricingand demonstration videos Sample management solutions + LIMS
Broughton Software Ltd. LabHQ Yes United Kingdom Pricing and demonstration videos Was formerly SkySource Ltd.
Bruker Corporation SampleTrack No United States
BTLIMS Technologies BTLIMS, Lab Data Master No United States
Bureau Conseils et Services SCRL AQ Manager LIMS Yes Belgium Pricing and demonstration videos
Bytewize AB O3 LIMS, O3 LIMSXpress Yes Sweden Pricing and demonstration videos
Caliber Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
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CaliberLIMS Yes India
Cannabliss New England, LLC CannabLIS Yes United States Cannabis LIMS
Capstone Technology Corporation dataPARC No United States
Cerebrum Corporation LABdivus Yes United States
Cargotrader, Inc. Cargotester.com Yes United States
Carobar Business Solutions, LLC reLIMS Yes United States
CC Software, LLC Confident Cannabis LIMS No United States Demonstration videos
CellPort Software, LLC CellPort Cell Culture Suite Yes United States
Clinical Systems Ltd. ClinAxys II No United Kingdom
CliniSys Group Limited WinPath Enterprise No United Kingdom
CloudLIMS.com, LLC CloudLIMS, FreeLIMS Yes United States Pricing and demonstration videos
Clyde Computing Ltd. Q-SYS LIMS No United Kingdom
Codon Software Private Limited Codon LIMS No India
Columbia Energy & Environmental Services, Inc. OmniLIMS No United States
Common Cents Systems, Inc. ApolloLIMS Yes United States Formerly marketed Cirrus and M/LAB as preceding products
CompuDrug International, Inc. Laboratory Manager Plus No United States
Computing Solutions, Inc.
LabSoft LIMS No United States
Comsense Datasystems of Australia ComLIMS No Australia
Condition Monitoring International, LLC LabTrak No United States
Contec Group International Ltd. MADCAP Yes New Zealand
Cosine Consultants Ltd. Fission LIMS No Cyprus
CSMS Sp. z o.o. CS-17 LIMS No Poland
Dassault Systèmes SA BIOVIA Lab Management No France Demonstration videos Dassault acquired Accelrys, Inc. on April 29, 2014.[7]
Data Unlimited International, Inc. Starfruit GeneTell, IdentiTrack, and Toxicology No United States
Datamine Software Ltd. CCLAS EL and CCLAS 6 Yes United Kingdom Demonstration videos
Dataworks Development, Inc. Freezerworks No United States Demonstration videos
Dedalus Healthcare Ltd. Dedalus LIMS Yes United Kingdom Pathology LIMS
Deutsche Telekom Healthcare Solutions Netherlands B.V. LMS, SymPathy Lifecare No Netherlands Acquired Finalist Software Noord Nederland C.V.
and LMS in January 2019.[8][9]
DHC Dr. Herterich & Consultants GmbH SAP QM No Germany
dialog EDV Systementwicklung GmbH diaLIMS No Germany
DiData, Inc. Di-LIMS No Switzerland
Dorner GmbH & Co. KG B/Lab, i/med Genetics, i/med Hygiene,
M/Lab, X/Lab
No Germany
Drishti-Soft Solutions Pvt. Ltd. cLIMS No India
Dynamic Databases, LLC limsExpress Yes United States Demonstration videos
E-BiOnary Technologies Pvt. Ltd. e-BiOnary A, C, M, and D Yes India Demonstration videos
EffiChem s.r.o. EffiQS No Czech Republic Demonstration videos
Elysia-raytest GmbH Argus RPS, SARA No Germany Specializes in radiopharmaceutical LIMS.
ElmTree Systems, LLC ElmTree System No United States
Elmwood Solutions, Inc. Pure Harvest Yes United States LIMS-like seed lab software
Enable IT Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Ensō-LIMS No India Demonstration videos
entimo AG PhaLIMS No Germany
EthoSoft, Inc. X-LIMS No United States Pricing
Eusoft Srl EuSoft.Lab Yes Italy Demonstration videos
Fink & Partner GmbH [FP]-LIMS No Germany Demonstration videos Former product was [Dia]
Frontier Science & Technology Research Foundation, Inc. LDMS Yes United States Demonstration videos
Future Technologies, Inc. DNA LIMS No United States
Genesis MicroSystems, Inc. LAB-2000 No United States
Genetic Technologies, Inc. eDNA LIMS No United States Pricing
Genetrics, Inc. GEN-LIMS No United Arab Emirates
Genial Genetic Solutions, Ltd. iGene, Shire No United Kingdom
GenoFAB, Inc. GenoFAB Yes United States Pricing Combination LIMS + ELN
Genosity, Inc. Integrated Genomic Toolkit Yes United States Genomics platform with a LIMS
GoInformatics, Inc. GoLIMS Yes United States Demonstration videos
GoMeyra Corporation GoMeyra LIMS Yes United States Demonstration videos
GQM mbH Qualifax LIMS No Germany
GTS Systems Private Limited GLab360, LabExpress Yes Egypt
H&A Scientific, Inc. SLIM No United States Screenshots
Hach Company Hach WIMS Yes United States, Germany Demonstration videos
Harris Systems USA, Inc. Forensic Advantage Yes United States Placed under Harris' Caliber Public Safety division.[10]
HM-Software HM-LAB No Germany
HORIZON Lab Systems, LLC HORIZON LIMS Yes United States Pricing and demonstration videos Formerly ChemWare, Inc.
i2D Solution, Inc. i2DS LIMS No United States
iCD System GmbH LABS/Q, LABS/QM No Germany
Illumina, Inc. BaseSpace Clarity LIMS, Illumina LIMS Yes United States Demonstration videos
In-QM-Team Software GmbH WinLaisy No Europe Development taken over from inray Industriesoftware GmbH
in March 2019.[11]
Indusoft OOO I-LDS LIMS No Russia Demonstration videos
Infomed Kouvatsos Theodoros Ltd. Lab@link No Greece
Information Management Services, Inc. BSI, SEER*DMS Yes United States Pricing and demonstration videos
InfoTrak Pty. Ltd. Oil Commander No Australia Previous product name was InfoTrak Oil.
Innovatics Ky InnoLIMS Yes Finland
Instem LSS Limited Provantis Yes United Kingdom
Instrumentos Científicos SA NevisLIMS Yes Spain Demonstration videos
IntaForensics Ltd. Lima Forensic Case Management No United Kingdom Pricing and demonstration videos
Integrated Software Solutions Ltd. OMNI-Lab No Australia Absorbed Point of Care Solutions Pty. Ltd. and v-Lab in 2020.[12]
INTEGRIS LIMS GmbH iLIMS No Germany Changed company name from CSS LIMS GmbH in March 2017.[13]
Interactive Software Limited Achiever Medical LIMS Yes United Kingdom
Interpec Corporation INQAS, INTRACES No United States
InterSystems Corporation TrakCare Lab No United States Demonstration videos
InVita Healthcare Technologies, Inc. STACS Casework, STACS Database Yes United States Acquired from STaCS DNA Inc. in May 2021.[14]
iVention BV iVentionLES Yes Netherlands Demonstration videos Marketed as a laboratory execution system with LIMS,
ELN, and SDMS functionality
Jeganee Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Laboratory-On Yes India
Junction Concepts, Inc. QBench Yes United States Demonstration videos
JusticeTrax, Inc. LIMS-plus No United States Pricing and Demonstration videos
jwConsulting GmbH jwLIMS No Germany
Khemia Software, Inc. Omega 11 LIMS No United States Screenshots
Kriti Microsystems Pvt. Ltd. Kriti LIMS No India
KVANT spol. s r.o. Evidence No Slovakia
L7 Informatics, Inc. L7 ESP No United States Demonstration videos Enterprise science platform/workflow engine w/ a LIMS
LabCloud, Inc. LabCloud Yes United States
Labii, Inc. Labii ELN & LIMS Yes United States Demonstration videos Combination ELN + LIMS
LabKey Corporation LabKey Server Yes United States Pricing
LabLite, LLC LabLite SQL LIMS No United States Pricing
LabLogic Systems Limited Debra, PETra No United Kingdom Demonstration videos
LabLynx, Inc.
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ELab, CannaQA, webLIMS Yes United States Pricing and Demonstration videos
LabMaster.pl Sp. z o.o. LabMaster LIMS Yes Poland
Labmin (Pty) Ltd. Labmin Yes South Africa Demonstration videos
LabPro 2000 Ltd. eQual Yes New Zealand Pricing
Labs Division SL OraLims 2000i and 3.0 Yes Spain Demonstration videos
Labsoft Tecnologia Ltda. myLIMS Yes Brazil Demonstration videos Not to be confused with Odysis SA's myLIMS product.
Labstudio (Pty) Ltd. Labstud.io LIMS Yes South Africa Pricing and screenshots
LABTrack, LLC LABTrack LIMS Yes United States EKM Corporation was previously a distributor of LABTrack.
LabVantage Solutions, Inc. LabVantage 8 Yes United States Pricing and demonstration videos Products formerly called SAPPHIRE and SQL*LIMS.
LabWare, Inc. LabWare LIMS, LabWare GROW Yes United States Pricing and demonstration videos
Labworks, LLC Labworks No United States Bought LABWORKS from PerkinElmer Inc. in May 2016.[15]
LETEC SARL Tetraed LIMS No France
Lex Software Solutions Manage! Yes (customer request) Turkey Screenshots
LGC Limited Kraken No United Kingdom
LIMS at work GmbH Labmatica LIMS No Germany
lims+WARE lims+WARE/ASP, /Networks,
/Results, /UNIX
No United States
Limseo SARL Solution Laboratoire No France
LIMSey, LLC LIMSey No United States
Locasoft SARL LIMS.FR Yes France Demonstration videos Product changed names in 2019 from Lims.net to LIMS.FR.
Logiq Innovations, Inc. LabPlus No Canada LabPlus formerly a product of LabPlus Technologies.
LogicaSoft SPRL Odoo LIMS Yes Belgium A LIMS built on open-source Odoo ERP
LTech Australia Pty. Ltd. Lims1 No Australia
Lyons Information Systems, Inc. LLMS Yes United States
M-Tech International, Inc. CAT2 LIMS No United States
Malvern Panalytical BV SPARCS No Netherlands Previously known as PANalytical BV.
Mci IT Pty. Ltd. Lab-i, CLab-i No South Africa
Medpace, Inc. ClinTrak Lab No United States Clinical research LIMS
Megaware, Inc. LIAS No United States
Microcline Projects Labosaurus Yes Canada Pricing
Modul-Bio SAS MBioLIMS No France
Mountain States Consulting, LLC MSC-LIMS No United States Pricing
Mukon Informatics (Pty) Ltd. Skylims No South Africa Formerly Mukon CC. LIS marketed as a LIMS.
Myfab Myfab LIMS No Sweden
National Agribusiness Technology Center USALIMS No United States Pricing
National Cancer Institute caLIMS No United States Pricing
Nippon Control System Corporation SimpDoc No Japan Discontinued SimpLabo in May or June 2018.
Still offering SimpDoc, per company.
Novatek International NOVA-LIMS No Canada
Oasis Infotech Pvt. Ltd. EnviroLIMS EWM, LIMZ-RD,
No India
Ocimum Biosolutions Ltd. Biotracker LIMS Yes India
Odysis SA myLIMS No Switzerland Not to be confused with Labsoft Tecnologia Limitada's myLIMS product.
Online LIMS Canada Limited OnLIMS No Canada
OnQ Software Pty. Ltd.
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QLIMS Yes Australia
Open-source software solution Bika LIMS N/A N/A See Bika Lab Systems (Pty) Ltd. for more info.
Open-source software solution caLIMS N/A N/A See National Cancer Institute for more info.
Open-source software solution ClinViro N/A N/A More information found on [project page].
Open-source software solution GNomEx N/A N/A More information found on SourceForge.net.
Open-source software solution GNU LIMS N/A N/A More information found on the project page.
Open-source software solution LabKey Server N/A N/A More information found at LabKey Corporation.
Open-source software solution LAMA N/A N/A More information found on the project website.
Open-source software solution Leaf LIMS N/A N/A More information found on the project website.
Open-source software solution MetaLIMS N/A N/A More information found on the project website.
Open-source software solution Open-LIMS N/A N/A More information found on the project website.
Open-source software solution openBIS N/A N/A More information found on the project website.
Open-source software solution OpenELIS N/A N/A More information found on the project website.
Open-source software solution OpenSpecimen N/A N/A More information found on the Krishagni Solutions Pvt. Ltd. page.
Open-source software solution Screensaver HTS LIMS N/A N/A More information found on SourceForge.net.
Open-source software solution SMITH N/A N/A More information found on Bitbucket.
Open.Co Srl ProLab.Q Chemical &
Manufacturing, Food & Beverage,
LIMS, and Wine
No Italy
OPTIMAL SYSTEMS GmbH enaio Laboratory Content Center No Germany
Oracle Corporation Oracle Health Sciences
Clinical Development Analytics
No United States
Orsyx eL@b No Israel Demonstration videos
Ovation.io, Inc. Ovation LIMS Yes United States Demonstration videos Company and product have undergone many name changes, with "Ovation" the latest.
Oy Fision Ltd. Broadsight LIMS No Finland
Pardus d.o.o. eQMS::LIMS No Croatia
PDS Group Holding AG Ascentos Yes Switzerland Former products were PathData, ReproData, and ToxData.
pdv-software GmbH pdv-lims 3 No Germany
Persistent Systems Ltd. ChemLMS No United States Acquired from Agilent.[16]
Pharmaceuticals Systems International, LLC Pharmaway Yes U.S. Pricing and demonstration videos Cloud-based application suite that includes LIMS
Phylum SARL Phylum.Laboratoire No France
PiControl Solutions, LLC PiLims No United States
Polisystem Informatica Srl Analisi No Italy
Pondpol Group The rapid family of LIMS No Thailand Five LIMS-like solutions covering multiple industries
Porter Lee Corporation Crime Fighter BEAST No United States
Process Solutions Canada Limited LDMS No Canada
Prog4biz Software Solutions Ltd. BookitLab Yes Canada
Progeny Genetics, LLC Progeny Clinical Yes United States Pricing and demonstration videos Some pricing available for Clinical.
Promadis Pty. Ltd. Caseman No Australia
Promium, LLC Element LIMS Yes United States Pricing and demonstration videos
PRYM-SOFT Sp. z o.o. CleverLAB, PureLAB Yes Poland
PT Digita Scientia Indonesia OrbitaLIMS No Indonesia
Qualitype GmbH Abetter LIMS No Germany
Quality Systems International Corporation VersaLIMS.NET, WinLIMS.NET Yes United States
Quartz Imaging Corporation Quartz LA-, FA-, and RE-LIMS No Canada
QueTel Corporation Lab TraQ No U.S. Forensic LIMS
Raddec International Ltd. Raddec-LIMS No United Kingdom Demonstration videos
Realistic Computing, Inc. eData Specialty LIMS No United States
Reston Stable Isotope Laboratory LIMS for Lasers,
LIMS for Light Stable Isotopes
No United States Pricing The RSIL is part of the U.S. Geological Survey.
Revol Software Solutions, LLC Revol LIMS Yes United States Pricing and demonstration videos
RHAPSODY Software Solutions GmbH RHAPSODY LIMS No Germany Officially changed name from Softwaresysteme Keeve GmbH in February 2018.[17][18]
RJ Lee Solutions, LLC THEMIS No United States
S.G. Systems, LLC V5 Traceability No United States Manufacturing traceability software system with a LIMS module
Sapio Sciences, LLC Sapio Bioanalytical LIMS, Clinical
LIMS, Histopathology LIMS, NGS LIMS,
Research LIMS, and Stability LIMS
Yes United States Demonstration videos
Satya Sistemas Ltda. Flux2 No Brazil
Scigilian Software, Inc. Scigilian Yes United States
ScienTek Software, Inc. iStability LIMS No United States LIMS designed for pharmaceutical stability testing programs
and stability test management
Sempai Consulting Ltd. & Co. KG scarabPLUS No Germany A pharmaceutical ERP that fully integrates a LIMS
Shimadzu Corporation LIMSsolution No Japan
Siemens AG Formulated Product Design, SIMATIC IT Unilab No Germany
Sofcom (Private) Limited Spectrum No Pakistan
Soft Computer Consultants, Inc.
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SoftLIMS Yes United States
Software for Life Sciences BV LabScores No Netherlands Demonstration videos
Software Point Oy LabVantage Medical Suite,
Enterprise, and Express
Yes Finland Acquired by LABVANTAGE in April 2011.[19] C5 LIMS was renamed to
"LABVANTAGE Medical Suite" in December 2012.[20] Former products:
TasteBOSS and WilabLIMS
Sorenson Forensics, LLC eDNA LIMS No United States Forensic LIMS
SpecPage AG SpecLIMS No Switzerland Previously known as Object Solutions Software AG.[21][22]
Spectra QEST Australia Pty. Ltd. QESTField, QESTLab No Australia
StackWave, LLC StackWave Affinity LIMS Yes United States
Stanford University School of Medicine MendeLIMS No United States
STARLIMS Corporation
STARLIMS Yes United States Demonstration videos Formerly Abbot Informatics Corporation.
Stelsel Software Technologies Pvt. Ltd. NABL LIMS No India
Sunquest Information Systems, Inc. Sunquest Mitogen No United States Demonstration videos Mitogen is an integration of UNIConnect and GeneInsight products.
TechWare Incorporated Logbook Discovery,
TechWare MainTrac
No United States
The Edge Software Consultancy Ltd. BioRails LIMS Yes United Kingdom Pricing and demonstration videos
Thermo Fisher Scientific
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Core LIMS, Darwin, Nautilus,
SampleManager, Watson
Yes United States Demonstration videos
Third Wave Analytics, Inc. Lockbox LIMS Yes United States Pricing and demonstration videos
Title21 Health Solutions, Inc. Cellular Therapy Solution No United States Demonstration videos A LIMS with a focus on cellular therapy
Trace First Ltd. CoreOne for Labs Yes Ireland
TraxStar Technologies, Inc. QATrax LIMS No United States Demonstration videos
Tribal Software, Inc. LIMS Lyte, Tribal-LIMS No United States
Triestram & Partner GmbH lisa.lims No Germany
Trilogy Group Limited TAPS No United Kingdom
TRUST Infotech Electronics, LLC TRUST LIMS No United Arab Emirates
TQ Technology Pvt. Ltd. TQLIMS No India
Uncountable, Inc. Uncountable Yes United States Demonstration videos LIMS- and ELN-like platform for chemical R&D
U.S. EPA Scribe No United States Pricing
up to data sales and services GmbH up2Lims No Germany
Valdata Systems USA, Inc. Valdata LIMS No United States
Venture Development, LLC GoRev Yes United States Health information system with LIMS/LIS
Verisis A.S. CLIMS No Turkey Forensic LIMS
Vette EDV-Beratung & Entwicklung GmbH TransGraph No Germany Quality management software with a LIMS module
Waters Corporation NuGenesis 8 No United States Pricing and demonstration videos NuGenesis 8 is a data management and workflow package
of applications, including NuGenesis Sample Management.[23]
Wavefront Software, Inc. Wavefront LIMS Yes United States Demonstration videos
WESTcom Logiciels et Services SARL ARES No France
WireWorks West, Inc. FermWorks No United States Formerly operated as Jova Solutions Inc.
Wixon and Cross, LLC LIMFinite Yes United States
Xybion Corporation
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Labwise XD, Pristima XD Yes United States Demonstration videos Pre-clinical LIMS solutions
Yokogawa Electric Corporation OpreX, CIMVisionLIMS No Japan
Yullin Technologies Co., Ltd. LabMate Enterprise No South Korea
  1. "Datamine Acquires Intelligent Mining Solutions (IMS)". Datamine Software Ltd. 27 August 2019. http://www.dataminesoftware.com/2019/08/27/datamine-acquires-ims/. Retrieved 28 September 2019. 
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  10. "Forensic Advantage Systems has moved!". Harris Systems USA, Inc. https://caliberpublicsafety.com/forensic-advantage-redirect/. Retrieved 02 October 2021. 
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  13. "Umfirmierung der CSS LIMS GmbH". INTEGRIS LIMS GmbH. 2 March 2017. https://www.ilims.de/news/detail/konsequente-strategie-umfirmierung-der-css-lims-gmbh/. Retrieved 18 October 2017. 
  14. Nobile, J. (18 May 2021). "Riverside acquires STACS DNA for InVita platform". Crain's. Archived from the original on 18 May 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210518230623/https://www.crainscleveland.com/finance/riverside-acquires-stacs-dna-invita-platform. Retrieved 02 March 2022. 
  15. "LABWORKS LIMS Acquired from PerkinElmer by Labworks LLC – Future Never Looked Brighter". BusinessWire. Business Wire, Inc. 11 May 2016. http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20160511005343/en/LABWORKS-LIMS-Acquired-PerkinElmer-Labworks-LLC-%E2%80%93. Retrieved 02 June 2016. 
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