Template:Cite video

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[edit] [purge] Template documentation

  • Purpose: This template is used to cite sources in LIMSwiki, specifically, audio and visual media sources.
  • Please consider using {{cite episode}} as an alternative, to cite episodes of television and radio programs. (Has some different alternative choices of data. Includes an example of use as non-episodic application which can be used instead of this template.)
  • A production can differ among versions released; it is important to use publication information for the exact version that was consulted. For example:
    • A second DVD release may differ from the first.
    • A subtitled edition is substantially different from an original version without subtitles.


Horizontal list:

{{cite video |people= |year= |title= |url= |format= |medium= |language= |trans_title= |publisher= |location= |archiveurl= |archivedate= |accessdate= |time= |id= |isbn= |oclc= |quote= |ref= }}

Vertical format:

{{cite video
 | people =
 | year =
 | title =
 | url =
 | format =
 | medium =
 | language =
 | trans_title =
 | publisher =
 | location =
 | archiveurl =
 | archivedate =
 | accessdate =
 | time =
 | id =
 | isbn =
 | oclc =
 | quote =
 | ref =


{{cite video | people=Fouladkar, Assad (Director) | date=2003-05-15 | title=Lamma hikyit Maryam | trans_title = When Maryam Spoke Out | medium=Motion picture | location=Lebanon | publisher=Fouladkar, Assad}}

  • Fouladkar, Assad (Director) (2003-05-15). "[When Maryam Spoke Out]". Lamma hikyit Maryam (Motion picture). Lebanon: Fouladkar, Assad. 



Template:Citation Style documentation/syntax

Template:Citation Style documentation/coins

Template:Citation Style documentation/sep period


Template:Citation Style documentation/author

Aliases: people, last, last1

Template:Citation Style documentation/editor Template:Citation Style documentation/title italics Template:Citation Style documentation/typeUse one of the following as applicable: Motion picture, Television production, Videotape, DVD, Trailer, Video game, CD, Radio broadcast, Podcast.

Aliases: medium, type

Template:Citation Style documentation/language Template:Citation Style documentation/date Template:Citation Style documentation/time Template:Citation Style documentation/pages Template:Citation Style documentation/publisher Template:Citation Style documentation/url Template:Citation Style documentation/edition Template:Citation Style documentation/series Template:Citation Style documentation/id1 Template:Citation Style documentation/id2 Template:Citation Style documentation/lay Template:Citation Style documentation/quote Template:Citation Style documentation/ref