Category:Articles needing additional references from May 2013
This category may meet LIMSwiki's criteria for speedy deletion as a page that is, for one reason or another, an example of patent nonsense, vandalism, hoax, recreation of a previously deleted page, dependent on a non-existent page, etc. This could also include a problem with copyright infringement or unambiguous advertising or promotion. The editor marking this page for speedy deletion should make the reason clear by including a note in the associated talk page. See LIMSwiki:Deletion policy.
If this category does not meet the criteria for speedy deletion, or you intend to fix it, please remove this notice, but do not remove this notice from pages that you have created yourself. If you created this page, and you disagree with the given reason for deletion, you can click the button below and leave a message, explaining why you believe this category should not be deleted. You can also visit the talk page to check if you have received a response to your message. Note that once tagged with this notice, this category may be deleted at any time if it unquestionably meets the speedy deletion criteria, or if an explanation posted to the talk page is found to be insufficient. If you have already posted to the talk page but this message is still showing up, try purging the page cache. Administrators: check links, history (last), and logs before deletion. Consider checking Google: web, news. |
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This is an administration category. It is used for administration of the LIMSwiki project and is not part of the encyclopedia. It contains pages that are not articles, or it groups articles by status rather than content. Do not include this category in content categories. |
This category combines all articles needing additional references from May 2013 (2013-05) to enable us to work through the backlog more systematically. It is a member of Category:Articles needing additional references.
To add an article to this category add {{Refimprove|date=May 2013}}
to the article.
This category currently contains no pages or media.