Digital transaction management

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Digital transaction management (DTM) is a category of cloud services designed to digitally manage document-based transactions. DTM removes the friction inherent in transactions that involve people, documents, and data to create faster, easier, more convenient, and secure processes.[1] DTM goes beyond content and document management to include e-signatures, authentication and non-repudiation; enabling co-browsing between the customer and the business ; document transfer and certification; secure archiving that goes beyond records management; and a variety of meta-processes around managing electronic transactions and the documents associated with them.[2]

DTM standards are proposed and managed by the xDTM Standard Association[3]

Aragon Research has estimated that "by YE 2016, 70% of large enterprises will have a DTM initiative underway or fully implemented."[4]


  1. ^ "Digital Transforms The Game Of Business" (PDF). Forrester Research,Inc.
  2. ^ "DTM and the End of Paper: Four Imperatives you can't Miss". Aragon Research Inc. Retrieved 26 July 2015.
  3. ^ xDTM Standard Association |
  4. ^ """Digital Transaction Management:The New Way Ahead for Digital Business" (PDF). Aragon Research.


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