Journal:NIMS-OS: An automation software to implement a closed loop between artificial intelligence and robotic experiments in materials science

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Full article title NIMS-OS: An automation software to implement a closed loop between artificial intelligence and robotic experiments in materials science
Journal Science and Technology of Advanced Materials: Methods
Author(s) Tamura, Ryo; Tsuda, Koji; Matsuda, Shoichi
Author affiliation(s) The University of Tokyo, National Institute for Materials Science
Primary contact Email: tamura dot ryo at nims dot go dot jp
Year published 2023
Volume and issue 3(1)
Article # 2232297
DOI 10.1080/27660400.2023.2232297
ISSN 2766-0400
Distribution license Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
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NIMS-OS (NIMS Orchestration System) is a Python library created to realize a closed loop of robotic experiments and artificial intelligence (AI) without human intervention for automated materials exploration. It uses various combinations of modules to operate autonomously. Each module acts as an AI for materials exploration or a controller for a robotic experiments. As AI techniques, optimization tools for PHYSics based on Bayesian Optimization (PHYSBO), BoundLess Objective-free eXploration (BLOX), phase diagram construction (PDC), and random exploration (RE) methods can be used. Moreover, a system called NIMS Automated Robotic Electrochemical Experiments (NAREE) is available as a set of robotic experimental equipment. Visualization tools for the results are also included, which allows users to check the optimization results in real time. Newly created modules for AI and robotic experiments can be added easily to extend the functionality of the system. In addition, we developed a graphical user inferface (GUI)-driven application to control NIMS-OS. To demonstrate the operation of NIMS-OS, we consider an automated exploration for new electrolytes. NIMS-OS is available at

Keywords: NIMS-OS, robotic experiments, artificial intelligence, electrochemistry, materials informatics




This presentation is faithful to the original, with only a few minor changes to presentation. In some cases important information was missing from the references, and that information was added. In the original, there are multiple instances of citing research work using the last name of the last author listed, rather than the last name of the first author listed; this may have been a product of Japanese culture tending to read text from right to left. For this version, the last name of the first author was used to be consistent with research norms.