1.2 IT requirements
1.2.1 IT general
Functional requirement
Requirement code
a. Single database that supports multiple laboratory sites and laboratory departments
b. Client passwords encrypted in database with support for multi-case and special characters
c. Secured Socket Layer (SSL) encryption on web client interface
d. System designed so upgrades to back-end database do not require extensive reconfiguration or effectively cripple the system
e. System provides all secured users access to its data via the Internet, LAN, or direct modem connection
f. LIMS database conforms to Open Database Connectivity Standard (ODBC)
g. All LIMS system files capable of having security applied to them
h. All servers and workstations accessing LIMS system have login security
i. LIMS able to use TCP/IP as its network transport
j. Sized to not be impacted by multiple users or failover processes
k. Archive utility without off-line
l. System provides a workstation and server authentication mechanism
m. System provides local restore capability without support intervention
n. System Interfaces with database using ASP/ASP.net
o. System able to maintain transactional history
1.2.2 Hardware environment
Functional requirement
Requirement code
a. System compatible with the hardware environment
1.2.3 Software environment
Functional requirement
Requirement code
a. System utilizes a non-proprietary database such as Oracle or Microsoft SQL Server
b. System compatible with the software environment