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A through D

  • AHIMA Foundation: "improves health information management by supporting the people, research and resources that advance the HIM profession;" 501 (c)(3) charitable child organization of the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA)
  • American Medical Informatics Association: AMIA; a professional scientific association which "aims to lead the way in transforming health care through trusted science, education, and the practice of informatics"
  • American Nursing Informatics Association: ANIA; a professional organization which aims "to advance the field of nursing informatics through communication, education, research and professional activities"
  • American Society of Health Informatics Managers: ASHIM; "a non-governmental organization that acts in public interest by fostering professional standards in health IT professionals through its setting and enforcement of the education, examination, experience, ethics, and other requirements for CHISP certification"
  • ANSI National Accreditation Board: ANAB; "a non-governmental organization that provides accreditation services and training to public- and private-sector organizations, serving the global marketplace," including laboratories. The ASCLD Laboratory Accreditation Board was merged into ANAB.
  • Armenian Association of Digital Health: AADH; a non-governmental, non-profit professional organization dedicated "to promote the development of Digital Health in Armenia, concurrently participating and contributing to further advancements in the field worldwide"
  • Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: AIME; attempts to "foster fundamental and applied research in the application of artificial intelligence (AI) techniques to medical care and medical research"
  • Association for Information Systems: AIS; a non-profit organization and "professional association for individuals and organizations who lead the research, teaching, practice, and study of information systems worldwide"
  • Association for Veterinary Informatics: AVI; "a non-profit international and interdisciplinary organization comprised of individuals involved in biomedical informatics research, design, implementation, education and advocacy within the domain of veterinary medicine"

  • BioInfoBank Institute: a non-for-profit research and development organization which aims "to generate, incubate and inspire innovative ideas" and "productive research conducted by highly motivated excellent young scientists in Poland"
  • Bioinformatics Institute of India: BII; registered under the Confrere Educational Society, aims "to promote excellence in biotech, life sciences and pharma education"
  • Bioinformatics Organization: an incorporated non-profit organization which aims to "develop and maintain computational resources to facilitate world-wide communications and collaborations between people of all educational and professional levels"
  • British Computer Society Health: BCS; an international organization actings as "the chartered institute for IT;" aims "to promote new thinking, education and knowledge sharing" in the industry

  • Child Health Informatics Center: CHIC; an American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) effort "to support and prepare pediatricians for the many changes that will be occurring over the next few years in regard to health information technology"
  • Computing in Cardiology: an incorporated non-profit and international society of scientists and professionals focused on examining the "methods and results of computation" in the study and application of cardiology and cardiovascular physiology

  • Digital Health Canada: DHC; a professional association dedicated to advancing the field of health informatics (formerly known as COACH: Canada's Health Informatics Association)

E through J

  • eHealth Initiative: eHI; a national organization attempting "to drive improvement in the quality of healthcare by promoting the use of technology and information"
  • EMBnet - The Global Bioinformatics Network: EMBnet; an initiative of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) that acts as "a pioneer and a provider of bioinformatics services, expertise and training, across Europe and beyond"
  • European Health Telematics Association: EHTEL; "a pan European multi-stakeholder forum providing a leadership and networking platform for European corporate, institutional and individual actors dedicated to the betterment of healthcare delivery through eHealth"

  • Federation for Informatics Professionals: FEDIP; continuing on in spirit of the work the UK Council for Health Informatics Professions was doing, FEDIP "is the only public register for all informatics professionals in the UK dedicated to delivering better health and care through the advanced use of technology"
  • Foundation of Healthcare Technologies Society: FHTS; an Indian association of "professionals from diverse backgrounds" attempting "to work in collaboration and to utilize accessible technologies as a medium to facilitate improvement in overall population health"

  • Global Observatory for eHealth: GOE; a WHO-backed initiative "dedicated to the study of eHealth [and] its evolution and impact on health in countries"

  • Health Informatics in Africa: HELINA; a pan-African health informatics association dedicated to developing education, research, and strategic plans related to health informatics in Africa
  • Health Informatics New Zealand: HINZ; a professional association that "seeks to facilitate improved health care outcomes through the dissemination and utilisation of information, knowledge and technology"
  • Health Informatics Society of Ireland: HISI; this organization "bridges between computer professionals interested in health care, and health care professionals interested in computing – while supporting and embracing the new professionals of healthcare informatics"
  • Health Informatics Society of Nigeria: HISN; "a professional membership driven association, developed to serve the growing community of clinical science, information science, computer science and management science professionals who are tasked with managing the dynamic health information technology life cycle"
  • Health Level Seven International: HL7; "a not-for-profit, ANSI-accredited standards developing organization dedicated to providing a comprehensive framework and related standards for the exchange, integration, sharing, and retrieval of electronic health information that supports clinical practice and the management, delivery, and evaluation of health services"
  • HIMSS EHR Association: HIMSS EHRA; "a trade association of electronic health record (EHR) companies, addressing national efforts to create interoperable EHRs in hospital and ambulatory care settings"

  • IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society: IEEE EMBS; an international society of biomedical engineers "focused on the development and application of engineering concepts and methods to provide new solutions to biological, medical and healthcare problems"
  • IEEE Technology Management Council: IEEE TMC; an international organization that "provides information and services to IEEE members and the worldwide audience of practitioners and researchers engaged in the profession of engineering, technology, and innovation management"
  • IHE International: IHE; "an initiative by healthcare professionals and industry to improve the way computer systems in healthcare share information"
  • Information Institute: a non-profit policy research and educational organization comprised of academics and industry representatives dedicated "to further[ing] understanding of intricate relationships between information science and technology"
  • Institute of Health Records & Information Management: IHRIM; an educational body dedicated "to provide qualifications at different levels as well as career and professional assistance for members" from "the fields of health records, information management, clinical coding and information governance"
  • International Council on Archives: ICA; a non-governmental, member-funded organization "dedicated to the effective management of records and the preservation, care and use of the world's archival heritage"
  • International Medical Informatics Association: IMIA; an "association of associations" which acts as a bridge between constituent organizations and their members to better "enable the transformation of healthcare in accord with the world-wide vision of improving the health of the world population"
  • International Society for Clinical Biostatistics: ISCB; a professional organization dedicated "to [stimulating] research into the principles and methodology used in the design and analysis of clinical research and to increase the relevance of statistical theory to the real world of clinical medicine"
  • International Society for Computational Biology: ISCB; a non-profit corporation "addressing scientific policies, providing access to high quality publications, organizing meetings, and serving as a portal to information about training, education, employment and news" for those in the field of bioinformatics and computational biology
  • International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering: ISPE; an international society of scientific and technical personnel in the pharmaceutical manufacturing industry, "committed to the advancement of the educational and technical efficiency of its members through forums for the exchange of ideas and practical experience"
  • IQVIA Institute for Human Data Science: an outgrowth of the IMS Institute for Healthcare Informatics—which was part of IMS Health, which merged with Quintiles to form IQVIA—the institute "contributes to the advancement of human health globally through timely research, insightful analysis and scientific expertise applied to granular non-identified patient-level data"

  • Japan Association for Clinical Laboratory Science: formerly the Japan Society for Clinical Laboratory Automation, this association attempts to "contribute to precise diagnosis, appropriate treatment, and better health care by applying the latest technologies to clinical laboratories"
  • Japanese Society for Bioinformatics: JSBi; a Japanese professional association dedicated "to develop[ing] the discipline of bioinformatics in Japan" as well as "the promotion of the technology and related business" aspects of bioinformatics
  • Japanese Society of Drug Informatics: JASDI; a Japanese professional association dedicated to "contributing to the improvement and advancement [of] pharmaceutical medicine ... as well as the improvement of science education and research on drug information"
  • JISC: a registered U.K. charity dedicated to promoting "the innovative use of information and communication technology to support education, research and institutional effectiveness"

K through Z

  • Kenya Health Informatics Association: KeHIA; a professional association dedicated "to further[ing] the health and biomedical agenda in Kenya to support the government's initiatives to improve and sustain quality health services for all Kenyans"
  • KDD: a sub-group of the Association for Computing Machinery, promoting the "advancement and adoption of the 'science' of knowledge discovery and data mining"

  • Markle Foundation: a private foundation with the goal of helping others "realize the potential of information technology to address previously intractable public problems, for the health and security of all Americans"
  • Medical Library Association: MLA; a nonprofit, educational organization "committed to educating health information professionals, supporting health information research, [and] promoting access to the world's health sciences information"
  • Medical Software Industry Association: MSIA; a membership-based professional association representing "the interests of the Australian commercial software industry which develops, supplies and services information management products and services for healthcare practitioners, healthcare service providers and healthcare organisations"
  • MedTech Europe: formerly the European Diagnostic Manufacturer’s Association and Eucomed, the two combined to form MedTech Europe, a "trade association for the medical technology industry including diagnostics, medical devices and digital health"
  • Middle East Association for Health Informatics: MEAHI; a not-for-profit organization "trying to use regional as well as global potentials to provide a collaborative environment, in which requirements are discussed, solutions are provided, and resources are allocated to tackle healthcare issues of this vulnerable part of the world"

  • National Academies: a collection of U.S. "private, nonprofit institutions that provide expert advice on some of the most pressing challenges facing the nation and the world," including sciences, engineering, medicine, and research
  • The NELAC Institute: TNI; a "non-profit organization whose mission is to foster the generation of environmental data of known and documented quality through an open, inclusive, and transparent process that is responsive to the needs of the community"
  • Nursing Specialist Group: NSG; a British Computer Society-related "U.K. organisation for nurses and therapists interested in the management and use of information and communications technology to improve the quality, delivery and recording of care"

  • Ontario Nursing Informatics Group: ONIG; a professional group attempting "to provide a forum for nursing professionals to communicate and disseminate current developments in health care information systems"
  • openEHR Foundation: a not-for-profit company that develops specification, clinical model, and other medical programs and also supports health informatics education
  • OSCAR Canada Users' Society: OCUS; a not-for-profit society dedicated to promoting the education and use of OSCAR, "a suite of open-source applications including an electronic medical record"

  • Public Health Informatics Institute: PHII; a non-profit organization acting "as a neutral convener of public health professionals and their stakeholders, transforming health practitioners' ability to apply information effectively in order to improve health outcomes worldwide"
  • Public Library of Science: PLOS; a not-for-profit "publisher, membership, and advocacy organization with a mission to accelerate progress in science and medicine by leading a transformation in research communication"

  • Regenstrief Institute: RI; an informatics and healthcare research organization dedicated to "improving quality of care, increasing efficiency of healthcare delivery, preventing medical errors and enhancing patient safety"

  • SIGCOMM: a special interest group of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) dedicated to finding answers to "systems engineering and architectural questions surrounding computer communication"
  • SNOMED International: SNOMED; the not-for-profit association that owns and maintains SNOMED CT, a comprehensive and multilingual set of clinical terminology
  • Society for Laboratory Automation and Screening: SLAS; "a global organization that exists to provide forums for education and information exchange to encourage the study of, and improve the science and practice of, laboratory automation and screening"
  • Swedish Association of Medical Informatics: SFMI; a professional association that strives "to promote the development of informatics in health care, in particular through the organization of meetings with scientific lectures and discussions"
  • Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics: SIB; an academic, non-profit foundation that "coordinates research and education in bioinformatics throughout Switzerland and provides high quality bioinformatics services to the national and international research community"

  • URAC: an independent, nonprofit organization "promoting health care quality through its accreditation, education and measurement programs"

  • Vancouver Bioinformatics Users Group: VanBUG; "an association of researchers, other professionals and students in the B.C. Lower Mainland who have an interest in the field of bioinformatics"