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===1.2 COVID-19: History and impact (so far)===
===1.2 COVID-19: History and impact (so far)===
COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, typically yielding symptoms of fever, cough, shortness of breath, and loss of taste or smell.<ref name="CDCSymptoms20">{{cite web |url=https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/symptoms-testing/symptoms.html |title=Symptoms of Coronavirus |author=Centers for Disease Control and Preventions |publisher=Centers for Disease Control and Preventions |date=20 March 2020 |accessdate=01 May 2020}}</ref> A majority of cases yield relatively mild symptoms, but some progress to life-threatening situations involving pneumonia, organ failure, and cardiovascular complication.<ref name="WadmanHowDoes20">{{cite web |url=https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2020/04/how-does-coronavirus-kill-clinicians-trace-ferocious-rampage-through-body-brain-toes |title=How does coronavirus kill? Clinicians trace a ferocious rampage through the body, from brain to toes |work=Science |author=Wadman, M.; Couzin-Frankel, J.; Kaiser, J. et al. |doi=10.1126/science.abc3208 |date=17 April 2020 |accessdate=01 May 2020}}</ref><ref name="CCDCTheEpid20">{{cite journal |title=The epidemiological characteristics of an outbreak of 2019 novel coronavirus diseases (COVID-19) in China |journal=Chinese Journal of Epidemiology |author=Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention |volume=41 |issue=2 |pages=145–51 |year=2020 |doi=10.3760/cma.j.issn.0254-6450.2020.02.003 |pmid=32064853}}</ref>
COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, typically yielding varying levels of short- and long-term symptoms, including fever, cough, shortness of breath, loss of taste or smell, headaches, fatigue, joint pain, chest pain, heart palpitations, brain fog, and mood changes.<ref name="CDCSymptoms20">{{cite web |url=https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/symptoms-testing/symptoms.html |title=Symptoms of Coronavirus |author=Centers for Disease Control and Preventions |publisher=Centers for Disease Control and Preventions |date=22 February 2021 |accessdate=06 September 2021}}</ref><ref name="CDCLong20">{{cite web |url=https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/long-term-effects.html |title=Long-Term Effects of COVID-19 |author=Centers for Disease Control and Preventions |publisher=Centers for Disease Control and Preventions |date=12 July 2021 |accessdate=06 September 2021}}</ref> A majority of cases yield relatively mild symptoms, but some progress to life-threatening short- and long-term situations involving pneumonia, organ failure, cardiovascular complications, renal complications, neurological complications, and psychiatric issues.<ref name="CDCLong20" /><ref name="WadmanHowDoes20">{{cite web |url=https://www.science.org/news/2020/04/how-does-coronavirus-kill-clinicians-trace-ferocious-rampage-through-body-brain-toes |title=How does coronavirus kill? Clinicians trace a ferocious rampage through the body, from brain to toes |work=Science |author=Wadman, M.; Couzin-Frankel, J.; Kaiser, J. et al. |doi=10.1126/science.abc3208 |date=17 April 2020 |accessdate=06 September 2021}}</ref><ref name="CCDCTheEpid20">{{cite journal |title=The epidemiological characteristics of an outbreak of 2019 novel coronavirus diseases (COVID-19) in China |journal=Chinese Journal of Epidemiology |author=Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention |volume=41 |issue=2 |pages=145–51 |year=2020 |doi=10.3760/cma.j.issn.0254-6450.2020.02.003 |pmid=32064853}}</ref><ref name="ElezkurtajCauses21">{{cite journal |title=Causes of death and comorbidities in hospitalized patients with COVID-19 |journal=Scientific Reports |author=Elezkurtaj, S.; Greuel, S.; Ihlow, J. et al. |volume=11 |at=4263 |year=2021 |doi=10.1038/s41598-021-82862-5 |pmid=33608563 |pmc=PMC7895917}}</ref><ref name="TaquetSixMonth21">{{cite journal |title=6-month neurological and psychiatric outcomes in 236 379 survivors of COVID-19: A retrospective cohort study using electronic health records |journal=The Lancet Psychiatry |author=Taquet, M.; Geddes, J.R.; Husain, M. et al. |volume=8 |issue=5 |pages=416–27 |year=2021 |doi=10.1016/S2215-0366(21)00084-5 |pmid=33836148 |pmc=PMC8023694}}</ref>

The first known case of COVID-19 dates back to November 2019, "according to government data seen by the ''South China Morning Post''."<ref name="MaCorona20">{{cite web |url=https://www.scmp.com/news/china/society/article/3074991/coronavirus-chinas-first-confirmed-covid-19-case-traced-back |title=Coronavirus: China’s first confirmed Covid-19 case traced back to November 17 |author=Ma, J. |work=South China Morning Post |date=13 March 2020 |accessdate=31 March 2020}}</ref> By the middle of December, infections were at 27, and by the end of the year the number was 266.<ref name="MaCorona20" /> By that time, Chinese health authorities had been updated that the pneumonia-like symptoms of patients in China's Hubei province may have been the symptoms of a disease caused by a novel (new) coronavirus<ref name="MaCorona20" />, and the WHO was notified.<ref name="HuiTheCont20">{{cite journal |title=The continuing 2019-nCoV epidemic threat of novel coronaviruses to global health—The latest 2019 novel coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan, China |journal=International Journal of Infectious Diseases |author=Hui, D.S.; Azhar, E.I.; Madani, T.A. et al. |volume=91 |pages=264–66 |year=2020 |doi=10.1016/j.ijid.2020.01.009 |pmid=31953166}}</ref> At the start of 2020, that number grew to 381 known cases<ref name="MaCorona20" />, jumping to more than 7,700 confirmed and 12,000 suspected cases by the end of January.<ref name="WHOStatement20">{{cite web |url=https://www.who.int/news-room/detail/30-01-2020-statement-on-the-second-meeting-of-the-international-health-regulations-(2005)-emergency-committee-regarding-the-outbreak-of-novel-coronavirus-(2019-ncov) |title=Statement on the second meeting of the International Health Regulations (2005) Emergency Committee regarding the outbreak of novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) |author=World Health Organization |publisher=World Health Organization |date=30 January 2020 |accessdate=31 March 2020}}</ref> By that time, the WHO had convened a second meeting of its Emergency Committee to discuss the declaration of a PHEIC, saying the then-called "2019-nCoV" constituted a health emergency of international concern.<ref name="WHOStatement20" /> This spurred the publishing of WHO technical advice to other countries, with a focus on "reducing human infection, prevention of secondary transmission and international spread, and contributing to the international response."<ref name="WHOStatement20" /> However, at the same time, the virus was already beginning to spread in locations such as Australia<ref name="HuntFirst20">{{cite web |url=https://www.health.gov.au/ministers/the-hon-greg-hunt-mp/media/first-confirmed-case-of-novel-coronavirus-in-australia |title=First confirmed case of novel coronavirus in Australia |author=Hunt, G. |publisher=Australian Department of Health |date=25 January 2020 |accessdate=31 March 2020}}</ref>, France<ref name="JacobCorona20">{{cite web |url=https://www.lefigaro.fr/sciences/coronavirus-trois-premiers-cas-confirmes-en-france-20200124 |title=Coronavirus: trois premiers cas confirmés en France, deux d’entre eux vont bien |author=Jacob, E. |work=Le Figaro |date=24 January 2020 |accessdate=31 March 2020}}</ref>, Germany<ref name="SPIEGELBayer20">{{cite web |url=https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/medizin/corona-virus-erster-fall-in-deutschland-bestaetigt-a-19843b8d-8694-451f-baf7-0189d3356f99 |title=Bayerische Behörden bestätigen ersten Fall in Deutschland |author=Der Spiegel |date=28 January 2020 |accessdate=31 March 2020}}</ref> Italy<ref name="SevergniniCorona20">{{cite web |url=https://www.corriere.it/cronache/20_gennaio_30/coronavirus-italia-corona-9d6dc436-4343-11ea-bdc8-faf1f56f19b7.shtml |title=Coronavirus, primi due casi in Italia «Sono due cinesi in vacanza a Roma» Sono arrivati a Milano il 23 gennaio |author=Severgnini, C. |work=Corriere della Sera |date=30 January 2020 |accessdate=31 March 2020}}</ref>, Japan<ref name="SimJapan20">{{cite web |url=https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/east-asia/japan-confirms-first-case-of-infection-with-new-china-coronavirus |title=Japan confirms first case of infection from Wuhan coronavirus; Vietnam quarantines two tourists |author=Sim, W. |work=The Straits Times |date=16 January 2020 |accessdate=31 March 2020}}</ref>, South Korea<ref name="Jin-wooConfirmation20">{{cite web |url=https://www.mk.co.kr/news/society/view/2020/01/80017/ |title=신종 코로나바이러스 한국인 첫환자 확인 |author=Jin-woo, S. |work=Maekyung.com |date=24 January 2020 |accessdate=31 March 2020}}</ref>, Spain<ref name="LindeSanidad20">{{cite web |url=https://elpais.com/sociedad/2020/01/31/actualidad/1580509404_469734.html |title=Sanidad confirma en La Gomera el primer caso de coronavirus en España |author=Linde, P. |work=El País |date=31 January 2020 |accessdate=31 March 2020}}</ref>, the United Kingdom<ref name="BallHunt20">{{cite web |url=https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/hunt-for-contacts-of-coronavirus-stricken-pair-in-york-dh363qf8k |title=Hunt for contacts of coronavirus-stricken pair in York |author=Ball, T.; Wace, C. |work=The Times |date=31 January 2020 |accessdate=31 March 2020}}</ref>, and the United States.<ref name="HolshueFirst20">{{cite journal |title=First Case of 2019 Novel Coronavirus in the United States |journal=New England Journal of Medicine |author=Holshue, M.L.; DeBolt, C.; Lindquist, S. et al. |volume=382 |issue=10 |pages=929–36 |year=2020 |doi=10.1056/NEJMoa2001191 |pmid=32004427}}</ref>
The first known case of COVID-19 dates back to November 2019, "according to government data seen by the ''South China Morning Post''"<ref name="MaCorona20">{{cite web |url=https://www.scmp.com/news/china/society/article/3074991/coronavirus-chinas-first-confirmed-covid-19-case-traced-back |title=Coronavirus: China’s first confirmed Covid-19 case traced back to November 17 |author=Ma, J. |work=South China Morning Post |date=13 March 2020 |accessdate=31 March 2020}}</ref>, though additional research has suggested an even earlier timeline. A non-peer-reviewed report released by Harvard Medical School in June 2020 suggested that circumstantial evidence of higher traffic around hospitals even a month earlier may push the Wuhan timeline back further.<ref name="FolmerSat20">{{cite web |url=https://abcnews.go.com/International/satellite-data-suggests-coronavirus-hit-china-earlier-researchers/story?id=71123270 |title=Satellite data suggests coronavirus may have hit China earlier: Researchers |author=Folmer, K.; Margolin. J. |work=ABC News |date=08 June 2020 |accessdate=07 July 2020}}</ref> Stories of routinely analyzed wastewater samples from locations in Brazil<ref name="ChenEarlier20">{{cite web |url=https://www.scmp.com/news/world/americas/article/3091757/earlier-signs-coronavirus-sewage-samples-brazil |title=‘Earlier signs of coronavirus’ in sewage samples in Brazil |author=Chen, S. |work=South China Morning Post |date=03 July 2020 |accessdate=07 July 2020}}</ref> and Italy<ref name="KellandItaly20">{{cite web |url=https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-italy-sewage/italy-sewage-study-suggests-covid-19-was-there-in-december-2019-idUSKBN23Q1J9 |title=Italy sewage study suggests COVID-19 was there in December 2019 |author=Kelland, K. |work=Reuters |date=19 June 2020 |accessdate=07 July 2020}}</ref> may likewise indicate that the SARS-CoV-2 virus was circulating earlier than initially gauged. And June 2021 peer-reviewed research by Roberts ''et al.'' suggests the possibility of COVID-19 beginning to spread as early as early October.<ref name="RobertsDating21">{{cite journal |title=Dating first cases of COVID-19 |journal=PLoS Pathogens |author=Roberts, D.L.; Rossman, J.S.; Jarić, I. |volume=17 |issue=6 |at=e1009620 |year=2021 |doi=10.1371/journal.ppat.1009620 |pmid=34166465 |pmc=PMC8224943}}</ref>  

As the disease continued to spread in February, naming conventions came together, with the WHO declaring the disease's name "COVID-19," short for "coronavirus disease 2019."<ref name="EnserinkUpdate20">{{cite web |url=https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2020/02/bit-chaotic-christening-new-coronavirus-and-its-disease-name-create-confusion |title=Update: ‘A bit chaotic.’ Christening of new coronavirus and its disease name create confusion |author=Enserink, M. |work=Science |date=12 February 2020 |accessdate=30 March 2020}}</ref><ref name="JiangADistinct20">{{cite journal |title=A distinct name is needed for the new coronavirus |journal=The Lancet |author=Jiang, S.; Shi, Z.; Shu, Y. et al. |volume=395 |issue=10228 |page=949 |year=2020 |doi=10.1016/S0140-6736(20)30419-0 |pmid=32087125}}</ref> By the end of the month, the WHO warned a "very high" likelihood the virus's spread could turn into a full [[pandemic]].<ref name="MulierWHO20">{{cite web |url=https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-02-28/who-raises-global-risk-for-coronavirus-to-very-high-from-high |title=WHO Raises Global Risk for Coronavirus to Very High |author=Mulier, T. |work=Bloomberg |date=28 February 2020 |accessdate=31 March 2020}}</ref> Less than two weeks later, on March 11, 2020, the WHO declared the outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 a pandemic, noting more than 118,000 confirmed cases and 4,000 deaths on all continents except Antarctica.<ref name="GumbrechtWho20">{{cite web |url=https://www.cnn.com/2020/03/11/health/coronavirus-pandemic-world-health-organization/index.html |title=WHO declares novel coronavirus outbreak a pandemic |author=Gumbrecht, J.; Howard, J. |work=CNN Health |date=11 March 2020 |accessdate=31 March 2020}}</ref> As of April 28, the number of confirmed cases was nearly three million, with more than 200,000 people dead.<ref name=”WHOSitRep99_20”>{{cite web |url=https://www.who.int/docs/default-source/coronaviruse/situation-reports/20200428-sitrep-99-covid-19.pdf |format=PDF |title=Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) Situation Report – 99 |author=World Health Organization |publisher=World Health Organization |date=28 April 2020 |accessdate=28 April 2020}}</ref>
By the middle of December, infections were at 27, and by the end of the year the number was 266.<ref name="MaCorona20" /> By that time, Chinese health authorities had been updated that the pneumonia-like symptoms of patients in China's Hubei province may have been the symptoms of a disease caused by a novel (new) coronavirus<ref name="MaCorona20" />, and the WHO was notified.<ref name="HuiTheCont20">{{cite journal |title=The continuing 2019-nCoV epidemic threat of novel coronaviruses to global health—The latest 2019 novel coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan, China |journal=International Journal of Infectious Diseases |author=Hui, D.S.; Azhar, E.I.; Madani, T.A. et al. |volume=91 |pages=264–66 |year=2020 |doi=10.1016/j.ijid.2020.01.009 |pmid=31953166}}</ref> At the start of 2020, that number grew to 381 known cases<ref name="MaCorona20" />, jumping to more than 7,700 confirmed and 12,000 suspected cases by the end of January.<ref name="WHOStatement20">{{cite web |url=https://www.who.int/news/item/30-01-2020-statement-on-the-second-meeting-of-the-international-health-regulations-(2005)-emergency-committee-regarding-the-outbreak-of-novel-coronavirus-(2019-ncov) |title=Statement on the second meeting of the International Health Regulations (2005) Emergency Committee regarding the outbreak of novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) |author=World Health Organization |publisher=World Health Organization |date=30 January 2020 |accessdate=06 September 2021}}</ref> By that time, the WHO had convened a second meeting of its Emergency Committee to discuss the declaration of a PHEIC, saying the then-called "2019-nCoV" constituted a health emergency of international concern.<ref name="WHOStatement20" /> This spurred the publishing of WHO technical advice to other countries, with a focus on "reducing human infection, prevention of secondary transmission and international spread, and contributing to the international response."<ref name="WHOStatement20" /> However, at the same time, the virus was already beginning to spread in locations such as Australia<ref name="HuntFirst20">{{cite web |url=https://www.health.gov.au/ministers/the-hon-greg-hunt-mp/media/first-confirmed-case-of-novel-coronavirus-in-australia |title=First confirmed case of novel coronavirus in Australia |author=Hunt, G. |publisher=Australian Department of Health |date=25 January 2020 |accessdate=31 March 2020}}</ref>, France<ref name="JacobCorona20">{{cite web |url=https://www.lefigaro.fr/sciences/coronavirus-trois-premiers-cas-confirmes-en-france-20200124 |title=Coronavirus: trois premiers cas confirmés en France, deux d’entre eux vont bien |author=Jacob, E. |work=Le Figaro |date=24 January 2020 |accessdate=31 March 2020}}</ref>, Germany<ref name="SPIEGELBayer20">{{cite web |url=https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/medizin/corona-virus-erster-fall-in-deutschland-bestaetigt-a-19843b8d-8694-451f-baf7-0189d3356f99 |title=Bayerische Behörden bestätigen ersten Fall in Deutschland |author=Der Spiegel |date=28 January 2020 |accessdate=31 March 2020}}</ref> Italy<ref name="SevergniniCorona20">{{cite web |url=https://www.corriere.it/cronache/20_gennaio_30/coronavirus-italia-corona-9d6dc436-4343-11ea-bdc8-faf1f56f19b7.shtml |title=Coronavirus, primi due casi in Italia «Sono due cinesi in vacanza a Roma» Sono arrivati a Milano il 23 gennaio |author=Severgnini, C. |work=Corriere della Sera |date=30 January 2020 |accessdate=31 March 2020}}</ref>, Japan<ref name="SimJapan20">{{cite web |url=https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/east-asia/japan-confirms-first-case-of-infection-with-new-china-coronavirus |title=Japan confirms first case of infection from Wuhan coronavirus; Vietnam quarantines two tourists |author=Sim, W. |work=The Straits Times |date=16 January 2020 |accessdate=31 March 2020}}</ref>, South Korea<ref name="Jin-wooConfirmation20">{{cite web |url=https://www.mk.co.kr/news/society/view/2020/01/80017/ |title=신종 코로나바이러스 한국인 첫환자 확인 |author=Jin-woo, S. |work=Maekyung.com |date=24 January 2020 |accessdate=31 March 2020}}</ref>, Spain<ref name="LindeSanidad20">{{cite web |url=https://elpais.com/sociedad/2020/01/31/actualidad/1580509404_469734.html |title=Sanidad confirma en La Gomera el primer caso de coronavirus en España |author=Linde, P. |work=El País |date=31 January 2020 |accessdate=31 March 2020}}</ref>, the United Kingdom<ref name="BallHunt20">{{cite web |url=https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/hunt-for-contacts-of-coronavirus-stricken-pair-in-york-dh363qf8k |title=Hunt for contacts of coronavirus-stricken pair in York |author=Ball, T.; Wace, C. |work=The Times |date=31 January 2020 |accessdate=31 March 2020}}</ref>, and the United States.<ref name="HolshueFirst20">{{cite journal |title=First Case of 2019 Novel Coronavirus in the United States |journal=New England Journal of Medicine |author=Holshue, M.L.; DeBolt, C.; Lindquist, S. et al. |volume=382 |issue=10 |pages=929–36 |year=2020 |doi=10.1056/NEJMoa2001191 |pmid=32004427}}</ref>

Governmental reaction to the pandemic around the globe has varied significantly since the pandemic's declaration in March. Some of that variance can be seen when reviewing the various policies implemented by the world's governments. The International Monetary Fund's policy tracker for COVID-19 response, for example, paints a picture of the laboratory testing, social, transportation, trade, and financial situations of each country. Reviewing it shows that Kosovo, for example, has implemented citizen lockdowns, not allowing people to leave their homes for more than 1.5 hours per day. Other more comprehensive measures such as widespread testing and digital tracking, with fewer mobility restrictions, have allowed South Korea to virtually have their daily reported case numbers shrink to less than 15. After strict stay-at-home rules, complete with enforcement, Austria has been able to gradually reopen its operations as of mid-April while also supporting citizens through debt servicing delays, financial aid for the self-employed and micro-businesses, and prohibitions on banks from share buy-back.<ref name="IMFPolicy20">{{cite web |url=https://www.imf.org/en/Topics/imf-and-covid19/Policy-Responses-to-COVID-19 |title=Policy Responses to COVID-19 |author=International Monetary Fund |publisher=International Monetary Fund |date=24 April 2020 |accessdate=25 April 2020}}</ref> Another source for examining government reaction is through the collation of data on how governments have implemented technological tracking measures in the name of slowing the epidemic. Groups like Privacy International collate such information through their collective tracking project, which links to hundreds of news stories concerning the forced sharing of mobile phone data, the use of drones and other surveillance for tracking and enforcing quarantines, geolocation tracking though phones, and the implementation of facial recognition technology.<ref name="PITracking20">{{cite web |url=https://privacyinternational.org/examples/tracking-global-response-covid-19 |title=Tracking the Global Response to COVID-19 |author=Privacy International |publisher=Privacy International |date=21 April 2020 |accessdate=25 April 2020}}</ref> The U.S. Chamber of Commerce also collects a dashboard of governmental policies for comparison.<ref name="CoCGlobal20">{{cite web |url=https://www.uschamber.com/international-affairs-division/covid-dashboard |title=Global Dashboard on COVID-19 Government Policies |author=U.S. Chamber of Commerce |publisher=U.S. Chamber of Commerce |date=24 April 2020 |accessdate=25 April 2020}}</ref>
As the disease continued to spread in February 2020, naming conventions came together, with the WHO declaring the disease's name "COVID-19," short for "coronavirus disease 2019."<ref name="EnserinkUpdate20">{{cite web |url=https://www.science.org/news/2020/02/bit-chaotic-christening-new-coronavirus-and-its-disease-name-create-confusion |title=Update: ‘A bit chaotic.’ Christening of new coronavirus and its disease name create confusion |author=Enserink, M. |work=Science |date=12 February 2020 |accessdate=06 September 2021}}</ref><ref name="JiangADistinct20">{{cite journal |title=A distinct name is needed for the new coronavirus |journal=The Lancet |author=Jiang, S.; Shi, Z.; Shu, Y. et al. |volume=395 |issue=10228 |page=949 |year=2020 |doi=10.1016/S0140-6736(20)30419-0 |pmid=32087125}}</ref> By the end of the month, the WHO warned a "very high" likelihood the virus's spread could turn into a full [[pandemic]].<ref name="MulierWHO20">{{cite web |url=https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-02-28/who-raises-global-risk-for-coronavirus-to-very-high-from-high |title=WHO Raises Global Risk for Coronavirus to Very High |author=Mulier, T. |work=Bloomberg |date=28 February 2020 |accessdate=31 March 2020}}</ref> Less than two weeks later, on March 11, 2020, the WHO declared the outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 a pandemic, noting more than 118,000 confirmed cases and 4,000 deaths on all continents except Antarctica.<ref name="GumbrechtWho20">{{cite web |url=https://www.cnn.com/2020/03/11/health/coronavirus-pandemic-world-health-organization/index.html |title=WHO declares novel coronavirus outbreak a pandemic |author=Gumbrecht, J.; Howard, J. |work=CNN Health |date=11 March 2020 |accessdate=31 March 2020}}</ref> By November 2020, the pandemic had become more serious, in the U.S. in particular; hospitals became overwhelmed—the most recorded COVID-19 hospitalizations since the pandemic started<ref name="DallUSHits20">{{cite web |url=https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/news-perspective/2020/11/us-hits-record-covid-19-hospital-cases |title=US hits record for COVID-19 hospital cases |author=Dall, C. |work=CIDRAP News |publisher=Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy - University of Minnesota |date=11 November 2020 |accessdate=12 November 2020}}</ref>—and the pandemic became "a humanitarian crisis."<ref name="MaxourisAsTheHoli20">{{cite web |url=https://www.cnn.com/2020/11/12/health/us-coronavirus-thursday/index.html |title=As the holidays get closer, Covid-19 hospitalizations and deaths are happening at a faster rate |author=Maxouris, C. |work=CNN Health |date=12 November 2020 |accessdate=12 November 2020}}</ref> The U.S. FDA issued its first and second Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for a COVID-19 vaccine, the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine<ref name="FDATakesKey20">{{cite web |url=https://www.fda.gov/news-events/press-announcements/fda-takes-key-action-fight-against-covid-19-issuing-emergency-use-authorization-first-covid-19 |title=FDA Takes Key Action in Fight Against COVID-19 By Issuing Emergency Use Authorization for First COVID-19 Vaccine |publisher=U.S. Food and Drug Administration |date=11 December 2020 |accessdate=06 September 2021}}</ref> and Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine<ref name="FDATakesAdd20">{{cite web |url=https://www.fda.gov/news-events/press-announcements/fda-takes-additional-action-fight-against-covid-19-issuing-emergency-use-authorization-second-covid |title=FDA Takes Additional Action in Fight Against COVID-19 By Issuing Emergency Use Authorization for Second COVID-19 Vaccine |publisher=U.S. Food and Drug Administration |date=18 December 2020 |accessdate=06 September 2021}}</ref>, in December 2020, giving hope that a much wider vaccine roll-out would happen by late winter and early spring of 2021 in the U.S.<ref name="ThomasVacc21">{{cite web |url=https://www.nytimes.com/2021/02/03/health/covid-vaccines.html |title=Vaccine News Gives Hope for Spring, if Enough People Get the Shots |author=Thomas, K.; Robbins, R. |work=The New York Times |date=03 February 2021 |accessdate=06 September 2021}}</ref> However, concerns that wealthier residents and countries would largely lead the charge while leaving poorer residents and countries behind were heavily vocalized.<ref name="ThomasVacc21" /><ref name="BaharRich21">{{cite web |url=https://www.brookings.edu/blog/up-front/2021/02/11/rich-countries-have-a-moral-obligation-to-help-poor-countries-get-vaccines-but-catastrophic-scenarios-are-overrated/ |title=Rich countries have a moral obligation to help poor countries get vaccines, but catastrophic scenarios are overrated |author=Bahar, D. |work=Brookings |date=11 February 2021 |accessdate=06 September 2021}}</ref>

Citizen reaction to the pandemic has also varied. Local governments in China have been criticized<ref name="WuChinese20">{{cite web |url=https://www.reuters.com/article/us-china-health-governor-idUSKBN1ZP0RU |title=Chinese provincial press conference on coronavirus inspires anger, criticism |author=Wu, H.; Cheng, L. |work=Reuters |date=26 January 2020 |accessdate=25 April 2020}}</ref><ref name="BJNewsJan21She">{{cite web |url=http://www.bjnews.com.cn/opinion/2020/01/21/677335.html |archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20200128221902/http://www.bjnews.com.cn/opinion/2020/01/21/677335.html |title=武汉"万家宴":他们的淡定让人没法淡定 |author=She, Z. |work=The Beijing News |date=21 January 2020 |archivedate=28 January 2020 |accessdate=25 April 2020}}</ref>, while the central government has, at least at times, been seen in positive light for its handling of the pandemic.<ref name="JohnsonChina20">{{cite web |url=https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/13/opinion/china-response-china.html|title=China Bought the West Time. The West Squandered It |author=Johnson, I. |work=The New York Times |date=13 March 2020 |accessdate=25 April 2020}}</ref><ref name="RichieDon't20">{{cite web |url=https://www.wacotrib.com/opinion/columns/guest_columns/rodney-richie-don-t-be-quick-to-blame-chinese-for-obscuring-viral-contagion/article_91f410f5-07a9-549a-9f8c-8b785bfc1207.html |title=Rodney Richie: Don’t be quick to blame Chinese for obscuring viral contagion |author=Richie, R. |work=Waco Tribune-Herald |date=28 March 2020 |accessdate=25 April 2020}}</ref><ref name="BowmanBill20">{{cite web |url=https://mynorthwest.com/1773883/bill-gates-coronavirus-reddit-ama/ |title=Bill Gates estimates at least 6-10 weeks before coronavirus is quelled in US |author=Bowman, N. |work=MYNorthwest |date=18 March 2020 |accessdate=25 April 2020}}</ref> Some Indians have criticized their government for its police brutality during lockdowns<ref name="PTICorona20">{{cite web |url=https://www.deccanherald.com/national/coronavirus-bollywood-celebrities-criticise-police-brutality-during-lockdown-818202.html |title=Coronavirus: Bollywood celebrities criticise police brutality during lockdown |author=PTI |work=Deccan Herald |date=27 March 2020 |accessdate=25 April 2020}}</ref>, while some Italians have criticized their government for trivializing the situation for too long.<ref name="HorowitzItaly20">{{cite web |url=https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/21/world/europe/italy-coronavirus-center-lessons.html |title=Italy, Pandemic’s New Epicenter, Has Lessons for the World |author=Horowitz, J.; Bubola, E.; Povoledo, E. |work=The New York Times |date=21 March 2020 |accessdate=25 April 2020}}</ref> In the U.S.—and in other parts of the world—criticism has been rampant concerning the United States government's response<ref name="SNSTheUnited20">{{cite web |url=https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2020/04/united-states-leads-coronavirus-cases-not-pandemic-response |title=The United States leads in coronavirus cases, but not pandemic response |author=Science News Staff |work=Science |date=01 April 2020 |accessdate=25 April 2020}}</ref><ref name="LuscombeTrump20">{{cite web |url=https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/mar/22/trump-coronavirus-response-criticism-us-cases |title=Trump tries to blunt criticism of Covid-19 response as US cases pass 33,000 |author=Luscombe, R. |work=The Guardian |date=22 March 2020 |accessdate=25 April 2020}}</ref><ref name="PerryFact20">{{cite web |url=https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-trump-who-reaction/factbox-global-reaction-to-trump-withdrawing-who-funding-idUSKCN21X0CN |title=Factbox: Global Reaction to Trump Withdrawing WHO Funding |author=Perry, M.; Kelland, K.; Nebehay, S. et al. |work=Reuters |date=14 April 2020 |accessdate=25 April 2020}}</ref><ref name="MeltonCritic20">{{cite web |url=https://providencemag.com/2020/04/criticizing-america-covid-19-response/ |title=Criticizing America over COVID-19 Response |author=Melton, M.; |work=Providence |date=03 April 2020 |accessdate=25 April 2020}}</ref>, though some governors have received praise for standing up for their state's citizens.<ref name="ClayBBC20">{{cite web |url=https://abc6onyourside.com/news/local/bbc-praises-gov-dewines-leadership-during-coronavirus-pandemic |title=BBC praises Gov. DeWine's leadership during coronavirus pandemic |author=Clay, J. |work=ABC6 On Your Side |date=31 March 2020 |accessdate=25 April 2020}}</ref><ref name="RenbaumGlendening20">{{cite web |url=https://marylandreporter.com/2020/03/20/glendening-praises-hogans-response-to-covid-19/ |title=Glendening Praises Hogan's Response to COVID-19 |author=Renbaum, B. |work=Maryland Reporter |date=20 March 2020 |accessdate=20 March 2020}}</ref><ref name="BarkanGlowing20">{{cite web |url=https://www.cjr.org/analysis/andrew-cuomo-coronavirus-covid19-barkan.php |title=Glowing coverage of Cuomo also raises difficult questions |work=Columbia Journalism Review |date=27 March 2020 |accessdate=25 April 2020}}</ref>
Governmental reaction to the pandemic around the globe has varied significantly since the pandemic's declaration in March 2020. Some of that variance can be seen when reviewing the various policies implemented by the world's governments. The International Monetary Fund's policy tracker for COVID-19 response, for example, paints a picture of the laboratory testing, social, transportation, trade, and financial situations of each country. Reviewing the policy tracker reveals a diverse set of approaches from country to country, some significant and enduring, others limited and weak. <ref name="IMFPolicy20">{{cite web |url=https://www.imf.org/en/Topics/imf-and-covid19/Policy-Responses-to-COVID-19 |title=Policy Responses to COVID-19 |author=International Monetary Fund |publisher=International Monetary Fund |date=05 November 2020 |accessdate=12 November 2020}}</ref> Another source for examining government reaction is through the collation of data on how governments have implemented technological tracking measures in the name of slowing the epidemic. Groups like Privacy International collate such information through their collective tracking project, which links to hundreds of news stories concerning the use of mobile phone data, drones, and other surveillance mechanisms for tracking and enforcing quarantines; geolocation tracking though phones; and the implementation of facial recognition technology as part of a COVID-19 mitigation strategy.<ref name="PITracking20">{{cite web |url=https://privacyinternational.org/examples/tracking-global-response-covid-19 |title=Tracking the Global Response to COVID-19 |author=Privacy International |publisher=Privacy International |date=08 October 2020 |accessdate=12 November 2020}}</ref> Other projects such as the University of Oxford's COVID-19 Government Response Tracker also paint a broad picture of governments' responses to the pandemic using a wide variety of indicators, including school closures, travel restrictions, and vaccination policies. The University of Oxford maintains a core working paper and monthly regional reports, painting a picture of more governments decreasing policy changes as vaccination roll-out continues.<ref name="OxfordCOVID21">{{cite web |url=https://www.bsg.ox.ac.uk/research/research-projects/covid-19-government-response-tracker |title=COVID-19 Government Response Tracker |author=Blavatnik School of Government |publisher=University of Oxford |date=August 2021 |accessdate=06 September 2021}}</ref>

It's too early to truly quantitatively (or qualitatively) measure the impact of COVID-19 on the world, let alone the United States. But the effects of the virus are taking shape, from significant job losses<ref name="RothwellTheEffect20">{{cite web |url=https://www.brookings.edu/research/the-effect-of-covid-19-and-disease-suppression-policies-on-labor-markets-a-preliminary-analysis-of-the-data/ |title=The effect of COVID-19 and disease suppression policies on labor markets: A preliminary analysis of the data |author=Rothwell, J.; Van Drie, H. |work=Brookings |publisher=The Brookings Institute |date=27 April 2020 |accessdate=28 April 2020}}</ref> and bankruptcies<ref name="RosenbergAFlood20">{{cite web |url=https://apnews.com/b9ae754f44d27671ec63d85542c468f8 |title=A flood of business bankruptcies likely in coming months |author=Rosenberg, J.M. |work=Associated Press |date=26 April 2020 |accessdate=28 April 2020}}</ref>, to poor mental health impacts<ref name="TingCorona20">{{cite web |url=https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/health-environment/article/3081582/coronavirus-suicide-experts-warn-pandemics-impact |title=Coronavirus: suicide experts warn of pandemic’s impact on mental health, with Hong Kong’s jobless, poor and elderly most at risk |author=Ting, V. |work=South China Morning Post |date=26 April 2020 |accessdate=28 April 2020}}</ref> and postponed cancer surgeries.<ref name="ColaianniForNow20">{{cite web |url=https://www.newyorker.com/science/medical-dispatch/for-now-we-wait-postponing-cancer-surgery-during-the-coronavirus-crisis |title=“For Now, We Wait”: Postponing Cancer Surgery During the Coronavirus Crisis |author=Colaianni, A. |work=The New Yorker |date=22 April 2020 |accessdate=28 April 2020}}</ref> What has long been known and remains true, however, is that beyond preventative measures, in order to further limit the negative consequences of the pandemic, testing must be expanded.<ref name="AubreyWhich20">{{cite web |url=https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2020/04/22/840526338/is-the-u-s-testing-enough-for-covid-19-as-debate-rages-on-heres-how-to-know |title=Which States Are Doing Enough Testing? This Benchmark Helps Settle The Debate |author=Aubrey, A. |work=NPR - Health Shots |date=22 April 2020 |accessdate=28 April 2020}}</ref><ref name="MorrisonWhyAmer20">{{cite web |url=https://www.vox.com/recode/2020/4/24/21229774/coronavirus-covid-19-testing-social-distancing |title=Why America’s coronavirus testing problem is still so difficult to solve |author=Morrison, S. |work=Vox - Recode |date=24 April 2020 |accessdate=28 April 2020}}</ref>
Citizen reaction to the pandemic has also varied. Local governments in China have been criticized<ref name="WuChinese20">{{cite web |url=https://www.reuters.com/article/us-china-health-governor-idUSKBN1ZP0RU |title=Chinese provincial press conference on coronavirus inspires anger, criticism |author=Wu, H.; Cheng, L. |work=Reuters |date=26 January 2020 |accessdate=25 April 2020}}</ref><ref name="BJNewsJan21She">{{cite web |url=http://www.bjnews.com.cn/opinion/2020/01/21/677335.html |archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20200128221902/http://www.bjnews.com.cn/opinion/2020/01/21/677335.html |title=武汉"万家宴":他们的淡定让人没法淡定 |author=She, Z. |work=The Beijing News |date=21 January 2020 |archivedate=28 January 2020 |accessdate=25 April 2020}}</ref>, while the central government has, at least at times, been seen in positive light for its handling of the pandemic.<ref name="JohnsonChina20">{{cite web |url=https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/13/opinion/china-response-china.html |title=China Bought the West Time. The West Squandered It |author=Johnson, I. |work=The New York Times |date=13 March 2020 |accessdate=25 April 2020}}</ref><ref name="RichieDon't20">{{cite web |url=https://www.wacotrib.com/opinion/columns/guest_columns/rodney-richie-don-t-be-quick-to-blame-chinese-for-obscuring-viral-contagion/article_91f410f5-07a9-549a-9f8c-8b785bfc1207.html |title=Rodney Richie: Don’t be quick to blame Chinese for obscuring viral contagion |author=Richie, R. |work=Waco Tribune-Herald |date=28 March 2020 |accessdate=25 April 2020}}</ref><ref name="BowmanBill20">{{cite web |url=https://mynorthwest.com/1773883/bill-gates-coronavirus-reddit-ama/ |title=Bill Gates estimates at least 6-10 weeks before coronavirus is quelled in US |author=Bowman, N. |work=MYNorthwest |date=18 March 2020 |accessdate=25 April 2020}}</ref> Some Indians have criticized their government for its police brutality during lockdowns<ref name="PTICorona20">{{cite web |url=https://www.deccanherald.com/national/coronavirus-bollywood-celebrities-criticise-police-brutality-during-lockdown-818202.html |title=Coronavirus: Bollywood celebrities criticise police brutality during lockdown |author=PTI |work=Deccan Herald |date=27 March 2020 |accessdate=25 April 2020}}</ref>, while some Italians have criticized their government for trivializing the situation for too long.<ref name="HorowitzItaly20">{{cite web |url=https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/21/world/europe/italy-coronavirus-center-lessons.html |title=Italy, Pandemic’s New Epicenter, Has Lessons for the World |author=Horowitz, J.; Bubola, E.; Povoledo, E. |work=The New York Times |date=21 March 2020 |accessdate=25 April 2020}}</ref> In the U.S.—and in other parts of the world—criticism has at times been significant concerning the United States government's response<ref name="SNSTheUnited20">{{cite web |url=https://www.science.org/news/2020/04/united-states-leads-coronavirus-cases-not-pandemic-response |title=The United States leads in coronavirus cases, but not pandemic response |author=Science News Staff |work=Science |date=01 April 2020 |accessdate=06 September 2021}}</ref><ref name="LuscombeTrump20">{{cite web |url=https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/mar/22/trump-coronavirus-response-criticism-us-cases |title=Trump tries to blunt criticism of Covid-19 response as US cases pass 33,000 |author=Luscombe, R. |work=The Guardian |date=22 March 2020 |accessdate=25 April 2020}}</ref><ref name="PerryFact20">{{cite web |url=https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-trump-who-reaction/factbox-global-reaction-to-trump-withdrawing-who-funding-idUSKCN21X0CN |title=Factbox: Global Reaction to Trump Withdrawing WHO Funding |author=Perry, M.; Kelland, K.; Nebehay, S. et al. |work=Reuters |date=14 April 2020 |accessdate=25 April 2020}}</ref><ref name="MeltonCritic20">{{cite web |url=https://providencemag.com/2020/04/criticizing-america-covid-19-response/ |title=Criticizing America over COVID-19 Response |author=Melton, M.; |work=Providence |date=03 April 2020 |accessdate=25 April 2020}}</ref>, though some governors have received praise for standing up for their state's citizens.<ref name="ClayBBC20">{{cite web |url=https://abc6onyourside.com/news/local/bbc-praises-gov-dewines-leadership-during-coronavirus-pandemic |title=BBC praises Gov. DeWine's leadership during coronavirus pandemic |author=Clay, J. |work=ABC6 On Your Side |date=31 March 2020 |accessdate=25 April 2020}}</ref><ref name="RenbaumGlendening20">{{cite web |url=https://marylandreporter.com/2020/03/20/glendening-praises-hogans-response-to-covid-19/ |title=Glendening Praises Hogan's Response to COVID-19 |author=Renbaum, B. |work=Maryland Reporter |date=20 March 2020 |accessdate=20 March 2020}}</ref><ref name="BarkanGlowing20">{{cite web |url=https://www.cjr.org/analysis/andrew-cuomo-coronavirus-covid19-barkan.php |title=Glowing coverage of Cuomo also raises difficult questions |work=Columbia Journalism Review |date=27 March 2020 |accessdate=25 April 2020}}</ref> American's views of presidential handling of the COVID-19 crisis have varied. During President Trump's tenure, Americans increasingly expressed disapproval with the U.S. president's handling of the COVID-19 crisis, from 47.8% dissapproval on April 8 to 57.1% disasapproval by the end of his term.<ref name="BycoffeHowAmer20">{{cite web |url=https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/coronavirus-polls/ |title=How Americans View The Coronavirus Crisis And Trump's Response |author=Bycoffe, A.; Groskopf, C.; Mehta, D. |work=FiveThirtyEight |date=11 November 2020 |accessdate=12 November 2020}}</ref>, which seemingly aligned with his attempts to downplay the existence of the COVID-19 virus.<ref name="CollinsonFauci20">{{cite web |url=https://www.cnn.com/2020/06/23/politics/donald-trump-coronavirus-pandemic-election-2020/index.html |title=Fauci warns of disturbing trend as Trump ignores viral surge |author=Collinson, S. |work=CNN Politics |date=24 June 2020 |accessdate=07 July 2020}}</ref><ref name="HellmannTrump20">{{cite web |url=https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/506075-trump-downplaying-sparks-new-criticism-of-covid-19-response |archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20200707133105/https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/506075-trump-downplaying-sparks-new-criticism-of-covid-19-response |title=Trump downplaying sparks new criticism of COVID-19 response |author=Hellmann, J. |work=The Hill |date=06 July 2020 |archivedate=07 July 2021 |accessdate=06 September 2021}}</ref> Americans' perceptions of President Biden's handling of COVID-19 began strong, at above 60% approval, but has weakened over time to 52.9% as of September 2021, largely falling along partisan lines.<ref name="BycoffeHowAmer20" />
It's difficult to truly quantitatively (or qualitatively) measure the impact of COVID-19 on the world, let alone the United States. From the start of the pandemic there have been significant job losses<ref name="RothwellTheEffect20">{{cite web |url=https://www.brookings.edu/research/the-effect-of-covid-19-and-disease-suppression-policies-on-labor-markets-a-preliminary-analysis-of-the-data/ |title=The effect of COVID-19 and disease suppression policies on labor markets: A preliminary analysis of the data |author=Rothwell, J.; Van Drie, H. |work=Brookings |publisher=The Brookings Institute |date=27 April 2020 |accessdate=28 April 2020}}</ref> and bankruptcies<ref name="RosenbergAFlood20">{{cite web |url=https://apnews.com/article/virus-outbreak-business-courts-ap-top-news-small-business-b9ae754f44d27671ec63d85542c468f8 |title=A flood of business bankruptcies likely in coming months |author=Rosenberg, J.M. |work=Associated Press |date=26 April 2020 |accessdate=06 September 2021}}</ref>, to poor mental health impacts<ref name="TingCorona20">{{cite web |url=https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/health-environment/article/3081582/coronavirus-suicide-experts-warn-pandemics-impact |title=Coronavirus: suicide experts warn of pandemic’s impact on mental health, with Hong Kong’s jobless, poor and elderly most at risk |author=Ting, V. |work=South China Morning Post |date=26 April 2020 |accessdate=28 April 2020}}</ref> and postponed cancer surgeries.<ref name="ColaianniForNow20">{{cite web |url=https://www.newyorker.com/science/medical-dispatch/for-now-we-wait-postponing-cancer-surgery-during-the-coronavirus-crisis |title=“For Now, We Wait”: Postponing Cancer Surgery During the Coronavirus Crisis |author=Colaianni, A. |work=The New Yorker |date=22 April 2020 |accessdate=28 April 2020}}</ref> With time, some firmer numbers have become known, however. As of August 31, 2021, the number of global confirmed cases of COVID-19 was more than 216 million, with more than 4.5 million people dead.<ref name=”WHOSitRep120_20”>{{cite web |url=https://www.who.int/docs/default-source/coronaviruse/situation-reports/20210831_weekly_epi_update_55.pdf |format=PDF |title=COVID-19 Weekly Epidemiological Update - 31 August 2021 |author=World Health Organization |publisher=World Health Organization |date=31 August 2021 |accessdate=06 November 2021}}</ref> As of July 2021, out of more than 320 vaccine candidates, 99 were still in clinical testing, 25 had reached Phase III efficacy studies, and 18 had received some form of formal approval.<ref name="TregoningProgress21">{{cite journal |title=Progress of the COVID-19 vaccine effort: viruses, vaccines and variants versus efficacy, effectiveness and escape |journal=Nature Reviews Immunology |author=Tregoning, J.S.; Flight, K.E.; Highman, S.L. et al. |pages=1–11 |year=2021 |doi=10.1038/s41577-021-00592-1 |pmid=34373623 |pmc=PMC8351583}}</ref> Some 3.2 billion doses of vaccine had been administered globally as of July 2021 (with the caveat that only ~1% of people in low-income countries have received at least one dose), and nearly 11 billion doses were still needed to fully vaccinate 70% of the world's population.<ref name="PadmaCOVID21">{{cite journal |title=COVID vaccines to reach poorest countries in 2023 — despite recent pledges |journal=Nature |author=Padma, T.V. |volume=595 |pages=342–43 |year=2021 |doi=10.1038/d41586-021-01762-w |pmid=34226742}}</ref> Other statistics include:
* "The global economy contracted by 3.5 percent in 2020 according to the April 2021 World Economic Outlook Report published by the IMF, a 7 percent loss relative to the 3.4 percent growth forecast back in October 2019."<ref name="YeyatiSocial21">{{cite web |url=https://www.brookings.edu/research/social-and-economic-impact-of-covid-19/ |title=Social and economic impact of COVID-19 |author=Yeyati, E.L.; Filippini, F. |work=Brookings |date=08 June 2021 |accessdate=06 September 2021}}</ref>
* "At a global scale, the fiscal support [applied to COVID-19] reached nearly $16 trillion (around 15 percent of global GDP) in 2020."<ref name="YeyatiSocial21" />
* As of July 2021, some 10 percent of American adults have reported sometimes or often not having enough to eat in a given week, compared to 3.4 percent for the entirety of 2019.<ref name="CBPPTracking21">{{cite web |url=https://www.cbpp.org/research/poverty-and-inequality/tracking-the-covid-19-recessions-effects-on-food-housing-and |title=Tracking the COVID-19 Recession’s Effects on Food, Housing, and Employment Hardships |work=COVID Hardship Watch |author=Center on Budget and Policy Priorities |date=09 August 2021 |accessdate=06 September 2021}}</ref>
* "An estimated 11.4 million [U.S.] adults living in rental housing—16 percent of adult renters—were not caught up on rent" as of the beginning of July 2021, with an additional 7.4 million estimated to not be caught up on mortgage payments.<ref name="CBPPTracking21" />
* "Some 63 million [U.S.] adults—27 percent of all adults in the country—reported it was somewhat or very difficult for their household to cover usual expenses in the past seven days," as of the beginning of July 2021.<ref name="CBPPTracking21" />
Despite the remaining unknowns and difficulties facing societies everywhere, what has long been known and remains true, however, is that preventative measures such as wearing masks<ref name="FalconDoFace21">{{cite web |url=https://www.kxan.com/news/coronavirus/do-face-masks-work-here-are-49-scientific-studies-that-explain-why-they-do/ |title=Do face masks work? Here are 49 scientific studies that explain why they do |author=Falcon, R. |work=KXAN |date=07 August 2021 |accessdate=06 September 2021}}</ref>, getting vaccinated<ref name="TregoningProgress21" />, and getting tested for exposure<ref name="ScottWhyCant21">{{cite web |url=https://www.vox.com/coronavirus-covid19/2021/9/1/22642745/us-covid-19-test-numbers-delta-variant |title=Why can’t America fix its Covid-19 testing problems? |author=Scott, D. |work=Vox |date=01 September 2021 |accessdate=06 September 2021}}</ref> remain vital in order to further limit the negative consequences of the pandemic.

Latest revision as of 17:32, 6 September 2021

1.2 COVID-19: History and impact (so far)

COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, typically yielding varying levels of short- and long-term symptoms, including fever, cough, shortness of breath, loss of taste or smell, headaches, fatigue, joint pain, chest pain, heart palpitations, brain fog, and mood changes.[1][2] A majority of cases yield relatively mild symptoms, but some progress to life-threatening short- and long-term situations involving pneumonia, organ failure, cardiovascular complications, renal complications, neurological complications, and psychiatric issues.[2][3][4][5][6]

The first known case of COVID-19 dates back to November 2019, "according to government data seen by the South China Morning Post"[7], though additional research has suggested an even earlier timeline. A non-peer-reviewed report released by Harvard Medical School in June 2020 suggested that circumstantial evidence of higher traffic around hospitals even a month earlier may push the Wuhan timeline back further.[8] Stories of routinely analyzed wastewater samples from locations in Brazil[9] and Italy[10] may likewise indicate that the SARS-CoV-2 virus was circulating earlier than initially gauged. And June 2021 peer-reviewed research by Roberts et al. suggests the possibility of COVID-19 beginning to spread as early as early October.[11]

By the middle of December, infections were at 27, and by the end of the year the number was 266.[7] By that time, Chinese health authorities had been updated that the pneumonia-like symptoms of patients in China's Hubei province may have been the symptoms of a disease caused by a novel (new) coronavirus[7], and the WHO was notified.[12] At the start of 2020, that number grew to 381 known cases[7], jumping to more than 7,700 confirmed and 12,000 suspected cases by the end of January.[13] By that time, the WHO had convened a second meeting of its Emergency Committee to discuss the declaration of a PHEIC, saying the then-called "2019-nCoV" constituted a health emergency of international concern.[13] This spurred the publishing of WHO technical advice to other countries, with a focus on "reducing human infection, prevention of secondary transmission and international spread, and contributing to the international response."[13] However, at the same time, the virus was already beginning to spread in locations such as Australia[14], France[15], Germany[16] Italy[17], Japan[18], South Korea[19], Spain[20], the United Kingdom[21], and the United States.[22]

As the disease continued to spread in February 2020, naming conventions came together, with the WHO declaring the disease's name "COVID-19," short for "coronavirus disease 2019."[23][24] By the end of the month, the WHO warned a "very high" likelihood the virus's spread could turn into a full pandemic.[25] Less than two weeks later, on March 11, 2020, the WHO declared the outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 a pandemic, noting more than 118,000 confirmed cases and 4,000 deaths on all continents except Antarctica.[26] By November 2020, the pandemic had become more serious, in the U.S. in particular; hospitals became overwhelmed—the most recorded COVID-19 hospitalizations since the pandemic started[27]—and the pandemic became "a humanitarian crisis."[28] The U.S. FDA issued its first and second Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for a COVID-19 vaccine, the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine[29] and Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine[30], in December 2020, giving hope that a much wider vaccine roll-out would happen by late winter and early spring of 2021 in the U.S.[31] However, concerns that wealthier residents and countries would largely lead the charge while leaving poorer residents and countries behind were heavily vocalized.[31][32]

Governmental reaction to the pandemic around the globe has varied significantly since the pandemic's declaration in March 2020. Some of that variance can be seen when reviewing the various policies implemented by the world's governments. The International Monetary Fund's policy tracker for COVID-19 response, for example, paints a picture of the laboratory testing, social, transportation, trade, and financial situations of each country. Reviewing the policy tracker reveals a diverse set of approaches from country to country, some significant and enduring, others limited and weak. [33] Another source for examining government reaction is through the collation of data on how governments have implemented technological tracking measures in the name of slowing the epidemic. Groups like Privacy International collate such information through their collective tracking project, which links to hundreds of news stories concerning the use of mobile phone data, drones, and other surveillance mechanisms for tracking and enforcing quarantines; geolocation tracking though phones; and the implementation of facial recognition technology as part of a COVID-19 mitigation strategy.[34] Other projects such as the University of Oxford's COVID-19 Government Response Tracker also paint a broad picture of governments' responses to the pandemic using a wide variety of indicators, including school closures, travel restrictions, and vaccination policies. The University of Oxford maintains a core working paper and monthly regional reports, painting a picture of more governments decreasing policy changes as vaccination roll-out continues.[35]

Citizen reaction to the pandemic has also varied. Local governments in China have been criticized[36][37], while the central government has, at least at times, been seen in positive light for its handling of the pandemic.[38][39][40] Some Indians have criticized their government for its police brutality during lockdowns[41], while some Italians have criticized their government for trivializing the situation for too long.[42] In the U.S.—and in other parts of the world—criticism has at times been significant concerning the United States government's response[43][44][45][46], though some governors have received praise for standing up for their state's citizens.[47][48][49] American's views of presidential handling of the COVID-19 crisis have varied. During President Trump's tenure, Americans increasingly expressed disapproval with the U.S. president's handling of the COVID-19 crisis, from 47.8% dissapproval on April 8 to 57.1% disasapproval by the end of his term.[50], which seemingly aligned with his attempts to downplay the existence of the COVID-19 virus.[51][52] Americans' perceptions of President Biden's handling of COVID-19 began strong, at above 60% approval, but has weakened over time to 52.9% as of September 2021, largely falling along partisan lines.[50]

It's difficult to truly quantitatively (or qualitatively) measure the impact of COVID-19 on the world, let alone the United States. From the start of the pandemic there have been significant job losses[53] and bankruptcies[54], to poor mental health impacts[55] and postponed cancer surgeries.[56] With time, some firmer numbers have become known, however. As of August 31, 2021, the number of global confirmed cases of COVID-19 was more than 216 million, with more than 4.5 million people dead.[57] As of July 2021, out of more than 320 vaccine candidates, 99 were still in clinical testing, 25 had reached Phase III efficacy studies, and 18 had received some form of formal approval.[58] Some 3.2 billion doses of vaccine had been administered globally as of July 2021 (with the caveat that only ~1% of people in low-income countries have received at least one dose), and nearly 11 billion doses were still needed to fully vaccinate 70% of the world's population.[59] Other statistics include:

  • "The global economy contracted by 3.5 percent in 2020 according to the April 2021 World Economic Outlook Report published by the IMF, a 7 percent loss relative to the 3.4 percent growth forecast back in October 2019."[60]
  • "At a global scale, the fiscal support [applied to COVID-19] reached nearly $16 trillion (around 15 percent of global GDP) in 2020."[60]
  • As of July 2021, some 10 percent of American adults have reported sometimes or often not having enough to eat in a given week, compared to 3.4 percent for the entirety of 2019.[61]
  • "An estimated 11.4 million [U.S.] adults living in rental housing—16 percent of adult renters—were not caught up on rent" as of the beginning of July 2021, with an additional 7.4 million estimated to not be caught up on mortgage payments.[61]
  • "Some 63 million [U.S.] adults—27 percent of all adults in the country—reported it was somewhat or very difficult for their household to cover usual expenses in the past seven days," as of the beginning of July 2021.[61]

Despite the remaining unknowns and difficulties facing societies everywhere, what has long been known and remains true, however, is that preventative measures such as wearing masks[62], getting vaccinated[58], and getting tested for exposure[63] remain vital in order to further limit the negative consequences of the pandemic.

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