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[[File:Quality assurance laboratory 140305-N-OE749-012.jpg|left|400px]]Imagine a medical device manufacturer (which happens to incorporate laboratories, but that's not the main point here). A medical device manufacturer works in a highly regulated industry that not just asks but demands quality from the manufactured medical devices. As many such devices are increasingly electronic—and even network-enabled—it's imperative that cybersecurity is considered in their design and use.<ref name="NayyarTheUnique20">{{cite web |url=https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2020/12/22/the-unique-threats-posed-by-medical-iot-devices-and-what-to-do-about-them/ |title=The Unique Threats Posed By Medical IoT Devices And What To Do About Them |author=Nayyar, S. |work=Forbes |date=22 December 2020 |accessdate=21 August 2021}}</ref> As David Jensen of MasterControl noted in 2017: "The technologies that elevate the quality of life for patients can be used by cyber actors to undermine both the manufacturing organization and the products themselves. This means cybersecurity is as much a quality issue as it is a security issue."<ref name="JensenHow17">{{cite web |url=https://www.mastercontrol.com/gxp-lifeline/how-an-electronic-quality-management-system-helps-with-cybersecurity/ |title=How an Electronic Quality Management System Helps With Cybersecurity |author=Jensen, D. |publisher=MasterControl |date=03 June 2017 |accessdate=21 August 2021}}</ref>
===Broad feature set of a pathology information management solution===

Note that Jensen related "cybersecurity" and "quality" together, which naturally leads to a discussion of the [[quality management system]] (QMS). A QMS is "a set of related and interacting elements that organizations use to direct and control how quality policies are implemented and quality objectives are achieved."<ref name="ShoemakerCyber14">{{cite book |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=b1s8AwAAQBAJ&pg=PA62 |title=Cybersecurity: Engineering a Secure Information Technology Organization |author=Shoemaker, D.; Sigler, K. |publisher=Cengage Learning |pages=62–63 |year=2014 |isbn=9781285169903}}</ref> Those elements include, but are not limited to, documented processes, management models, business strategies, human capital, and information technology. Not only does the QMS help guide the implementation and achievement of organizational policy and objectives for resource management and personnel, but also it prompts an organization to focus on the core elements of quality management within its products and services: planning, control, assurance, and improvement. And just as the development and use of a QMS is often driven by standards (e.g., [[ISO/IEC 17025|ISO/IEC 17025:2017]] and [[ISO 13485|ISO 13485:2016]]), the QMS often drives the organization to adopt other standards as part of bringing quality to the organization. Using our medical device manufacturer as an example, their QMS may direct them to use the ANSI/CAN/UL 2900-1 standard for ensuring medical device cybersecurity protection.<ref name="WirthMedical20">{{cite book |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=oawCEAAAQBAJ&pg=PA23 |title=Medical Device Cybersecurity for Engineers and Manufacturers |author=Wirth, A.; Gates, C.; Smith, J. |publisher=Artech House |pages=23–24 |year=2020 |isbn=9781630818159}}</ref>
A pathology information management solution (PIMS) ...

Not only is the QMS vital to medical device manufacturers<ref name="JensenHow17" /><ref name="AGMedical21">{{cite web |url=https://www.tga.gov.au/sites/default/files/medical-device-cyber-security-guidance-industry.pdf |format=PDF |title=Medical device cyber security guidance for industry |author=Therapeutic Goods Administration |publisher=Commonwealth of Australia |date=March 2021 |accessdate=21 August 2021}}</ref><ref name="AssurXRisk17">{{cite web |url=https://www.assurx.com/risk-management-cybersecurity-compliance/ |title=Risk Management Best Practices for Cybersecurity Compliance |work=AssurX Blog |publisher=AssurX, Inc |date=30 January 2017 |accessdate=21 August 2021}}</ref><ref name="ApracitiCyber">{{cite web |url=https://apraciti.com/cybersecurity-quality-management-system-integration/ |title=Cybersecurity & Quality Management System Integration |publisher=Apraciti |accessdate=21 August 2021}}</ref>, but also the QMS plays an important role in most any laboratory's operations.<ref name="WHOLab11">{{cite book |url=https://www.who.int/ihr/publications/lqms/en/ |title=Laboratory Quality Management System Handbook |author=World Health Organization |publisher=World Health Organization |year=2011 |isbn=9789241548274}}</ref><ref name="USGSQuality">{{cite web |url=https://www.usgs.gov/about/organization/science-support/office-science-quality-and-integrity/quality-management-system |title=Quality Management System for USGS Laboratories |author=United States Geological Survey |publisher=United States Geological Survey |accessdate=21 August 2021}}</ref> And in the laboratory, a quality assurance officer or manager is responsible for helping develop and maintain the laboratory's QMS, which optimally will address the importance of cybersecurity in meeting the laboratory’s goals. But the connection between a laboratory's quality assurance officer and cybersecurity is sadly not well represented in the cloud computing era. Look through the job descriptions on online job boards for quality assurance officers and you will rarely find the word "security" mentioned. Sure, the relationship between "quality" and "security" gets discussed in the context of modern software development<ref name="WorrallWhy20">{{cite web |url=https://www.darkreading.com/vulnerabilities---threats/why-quality-and-security-both-matter-in-software/a/d-id/1338649 |title=Why Quality & Security Both Matter in Software |author=Worrall, J. |work=DarkReading |date=18 August 2020 |accessdate=21 August 2021}}</ref>, but what about within the context of a laboratory's operational quality and the people who drive it forward?

In a 2019 journal article for ''Lab Manager'' magazine, Sandia National Laboratories' chief information officer Carol Jones stated that "[c]ybersecurity is not just a technology problem; it is a people, process, and knowledge problem."<ref name="TulsiGreater19">{{cite web |url=https://www.labmanager.com/business-management/greater-awareness-and-vigilance-in-laboratory-data-security-776 |title=Greater Awareness and Vigilance in Laboratory Data Security |author=Tulsi, B.B. |work=Lab Manager |date=04 September 2019 |accessdate=21 August 2021}}</ref> While this is an accurate statement, shouldn't cybersecurity also be a quality problem for a laboratory? Yes, well-trained people, vetted processes, and relevant and timely knowledge is required to ensure secure operations, but quality management and assurance—which incorporates that training, SOPs, and knowledge—should also be part of that equation. One could argue that the responsibilities of a quality assurance officer or manager are already numerous and weighty. But shouldn't that person at least have a modicum of understanding about how well-implemented IT and software security in the lab correlates to improved quality assurance outcomes?<ref name="">{{cite journal |title=Fundamental Concepts of IT Security Assurance |journal=ISACA Journal |author=Hamidovic, H. |volume=2 |pages=45–9 |year=2012 |url=https://www.isacajournal-digital.org/isacajournal/2012vol2?article_id=1078418&pg=45}}</ref>
* '''automated reflex testing''': Some PIMS vendors include pre-loaded, customizable lists of reflex tests associated with certain pathology procedures and their associated diagnoses. Optimally, these reflex texts are automatically suggested at specimen reception, based on specimen and/or pathology test type.<ref name="NPSoftware13">{{cite web |url=https://www.novopath.com/content/pdf/novopathbrochure.pdf |format=PDF |title=NovoPath - Software Advancing Patient Diagnostics |publisher=NovoPath, Inc |date=2013 |accessdate=05 September 2020}}</ref><ref name="PsycheWindo">{{cite web |url=https://psychesystems.com/enterprise-laboratory-information-software/windopath/ |title=WindoPath Ē.ssential |publisher=Psychē Systems Corporation |accessdate=05 September 2020}}</ref> Examples of pathology-driven reflex testing in use today include testing for additional biomarkers for non-small-cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC) adenocarcinoma<ref name="SundinPath19">{{cite journal |url=https://www.medlabmag.com/article/1619 |title=Pathology-Driven Reflex Testing of Biomarkers |journal=Medical Lab Management |author=Sundin, T. |volume=8 |issue=11 |page=6 |year=2019}}</ref>, HPV testing in addition to cervical cytology examination<ref name="FDANewApproaches19">{{cite web |url=https://www.fda.gov/media/122799/download |title=New Approaches in the Evaluation for High-Risk Human Papillomavirus Nucleic Acid Detection Devices |author=U.S. Food and Drug Administration |publisher=U.S. Food and Drug Administration |date=08 March 2019 |accessdate=05 September 2020}}</ref><ref name="StolerAdjunctive15">{{cite book |chapter=Chapter 9: Adjunctive Testing |title=The Bethesda System for Reporting Cervical Cytology |author=Stoler, M.H.; Raab, S.S.; Wilbur, D.C. |editor=Nayar, R.; Wilbur, D. |publisher=Springer |pages=287–94 |year=2015 |doi=10.1007/978-3-319-11074-5_9 |isbn=9783319110745}}</ref> (discussed further in "adjunctive testing"), and additional automatic testing based off routine coagulation assays at hemostasis labs.<ref name="MohammedDevel19">{{cite journal |title=Development and implementation of an expert rule set for automated reflex testing and validation of routine coagulation tests in a large pathology network |journal=International Journal of Laboratory Hematology |author=Mohammed, S.; Priebbenow, V.U.; Pasalic, L. et al. |volume=41 |issue=5 |pages=642–49 |year=2019 |doi=10.1111/ijlh.13078 |pmid=31271498}}</ref>

At this juncture, several questions must be asked about the quality assurance officer or manager in a laboratory operating in the 2020s:
* '''adjunctive testing''': Adjunctive testing is testing "that provides information that adds to or helps interpret the results of other tests, and provides information useful for risk assessment."<ref name="SegensAdjunct11">{{cite web |url=https://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/adjunct+test |title=adjunct test |work=Segen's Medical Dictionary |date=2011 |accessdate=05 September 2020}}</ref> A common adjunctive test performed in [[cytopathology]] is HPV testing.<ref name="FDANewApproaches19" /><ref name="StolerAdjunctive15" /> The FDA described this as such in 2003, specifically in regards to expanding the use of the Digene HC2 assay as an adjunct to cytology<ref name="FDANewApproaches19" />:

* What is the importance of the quality assurance officer (QAO), and do they understand cybersecurity?
<blockquote>In women 30 years and older, the HC2 High-Risk HPV DNA test can be used with Pap to adjunctively screen to assess the presence or absence of high-risk HPV types. This information, together with the physician’s assessment of cytology history, other risk factors, and professional guidelines, may be used to guide patient management.</blockquote>
* How does the QAO help ensure quality of operations with security as a managed service?
* How do standard operating procedures (SOPs), security audits, and other elements of a QMS positively affect quality assurance by addressing cybersecurity and cloud hosting processes?

'''The importance of a QAO and their security knowledge'''
:Some PIMS vendors allow users to manually add an adjunctive test to a primary pathology test, or in some cases this may be enabled as part of an automated reflex testing process.<ref name="TDHistoCyto">{{cite web |url=https://www.technidata-web.com/solutions-services/disciplines/anatomic-pathology |title=TD HistoCyto Livextens |publisher=Technidata SAS |accessdate=05 September 2020}}</ref> However, ensure that any such solution is capable of feeding any adjunctive test results into the final report (see the subsection on this topic).

First, the definition of what a QAO does will largely vary from company to company. However, turning to Bartram and Ballance's 1996 guide ''Water Quality Monitoring,'' the author's describe a quality assurance officer as someone "to liaise with management, to manage data archives, to conduct regular audits and reviews of the QA system, and to report on any QA issues to the program or institution manager."<ref name="BartramWater20">{{cite book |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=5PQCEAAAQBAJ&pg=PA218 |title=Water Quality Monitoring: A practical guide to the design and implementation of freshwater quality studies and monitoring programmes |editor=Bartram, J.; Ballance, R. |publisher=CRC Press |page=218 |year=2020 |isbn=9780419223207}}</ref> They add that the QAO is also "responsible for regularly inspecting all aspects of the [record keeping] system to ensure staff compliance, for reporting on such inspections and audits to management, and for recommending improvements."<ref name="BartramWater20" /> But what of a more modern definition? Turning to ISO 9000, we get a bland and non-informative definition of quality assurance itself: "part of quality management focused on providing confidence that quality requirements will be fulfilled."<ref name="ISO9000">{{cite web |url=https://www.iso.org/obp/ui/#iso:std:iso:9000:en |title=ISO 9000:2015(en) Quality management systems — Fundamentals and vocabulary |publisher=ISO |date=2015 |accessdate=21 August 2021}}</ref> By extension, we then get "a person responsible for providing confidence that requirements for organizational quality are fulfilled." This is a broad description, sadly. However, pulling from Bartram and Ballance, the ISO, and other sources<ref name="SeekCyber21">{{cite web |url=https://www.seek.com.au/job/52226409?type=standard |archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20210524220443/https://www.seek.com.au/job/52226409?type=standard |title=Cybersecurity Quality and Compliance Officer - 6 Month Contract |author=Genesis IT&T |work=Seek |date=10 May 2021 |archivedate=21 August 2021 |accessdate=21 August 2021}}</ref><ref name="ZippiaQuality">{{cite web |url=https://www.zippia.com/quality-control-officer-jobs/what-does-a-quality-control-officer-do/ |title=Quality Control Officer - What They Do |publisher=Zippia |accessdate=21 August 2021}}</ref>, we could go with something like:
* '''demand management''': Similar to test optimization or clinical decision support, demand management mechanisms help laboratories reduce the amount of unnecessary and duplicate testing they perform. The idea of using demand management to reduce unnecessary pathology testing has been around since at least the beginning of the twenty-first century, if not well before, in the form of decision support systems and order request menus of informatics systems.<ref name="RaoPath03">{{cite journal |title=Pathology tests: is the time for demand management ripe at last? |journal=Journal of Clinical Pathology |author=Rao, G.G.; Crook, M.; Tillyer, M.L. |volume=56 |issue=4 |pages=243–48 |year=2003 |doi=10.1136/jcp.56.4.243 |pmid=12663633 |pmc=PMC1769923}}</ref> Lang described what the process of demand management would look like in a system like a [[laboratory information management system]] (LIMS) in 2013<ref name="LangLab13">{{cite journal |title=Laboratory demand management of repetitive testing – time for harmonisation and an evidenced based approach |journal=Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine |author=Lang, T. |volume=51 |issue=6 |pages=1139–40 |year=2013 |doi=10.1515/cclm-2013-0063 |pmid=23420284}}</ref>:

<blockquote>A quality assurance officer (QAO) is an individual responsible for ensuring organizational quality through the regular management, monitoring, review, and auditing of documentation, record systems, data, and processes as they relate to organizational quality and compliance frameworks and initiatives, while also reporting timely results, making recommendations based on those results, and assisting with training staff on approved recommendations.</blockquote>
<blockquote>When implementing a demand management tool it is important that the system used to manage a laboratory workload can correctly identify the patient and match requests with the patient’s medical record. Ideally there should be one unique identifier used (e.g., NHS number in the UK), which will allow the LIMS to interrogate the patient’s previous pathology result to allow identification of duplicate or inappropriate requests. If a subsequent request is blocked, then it is also important that there is real-time notification of a potential redundant test so that the requestor can make an informed choice on the clinical need of the test and if it is required to override the rule. It is important that there is a facility whereby the laboratory or requestor can record the reason for blocking a request or overriding the rule.</blockquote>

Given that definition, does the average QAO need to understand at least the basics of cybersecurity? That's arguable, to be sure. After all, there are job positions such as the "cybersecurity quality and compliance officer" and the like<ref name="SeekCyber21" />, with an individual who works directly with an IT department and its cybersecurity team to ensure all mandatory laws and regulatory requirements are being adhered to, much in the same way a QAO does but on a broader organizational basis. But what about the laboratory realm? Major laboratories with significant resources may have these sorts of positions, but smaller, independent labs may not. In that case, laboratory personnel will often wear many hats, including "the tech person" or "laboratory systems engineer." (See Joe Liscouski's discussion of the "laboratory systems engineer" in his 2020 guide ''[[LII:Laboratory Technology Planning and Management: The Practice of Laboratory Systems Engineering|Laboratory Technology Planning and Management: The Practice of Laboratory Systems Engineering]]'' for more on this topic.<ref name="LiskouskiLab20">{{cite web |title=[[LII:Laboratory Technology Planning and Management: The Practice of Laboratory Systems Engineering|Laboratory Technology Planning and Management: The Practice of Laboratory Systems Engineering]] |author=Liscouski, J. |date=December 2020}}</ref>) However, given that the security surrounding an organization's electronic efforts is vital to maintaining quality operations, and also given that—hopefully—cybersecurity efforts are documented and trained upon, it's not that far a leap to suggest that the laboratory QAO should have a rudimentary understanding of IT systems and how they are secured. If cybersecurity is interwoven into the laboratory culture, including quality management, the tech-savvy QAO will be a boon to the overall quality assurance process.
:Today, some PIMS are designed to allow configurable rules and parameters to check for duplicate and unnecessary tests at various levels (e.g., by test ID or catalog type, activity type, or some other order level).<ref name="MorrisDemand18">{{cite journal |title=Demand management and optimization of clinical laboratory services in a tertiary referral center in Saudi Arabia |journal=Annals of Saudi Medicine |author=Morris, T.F.; Ellison, T.L.; Mutabbagani, M. et al. |volume=38 |issue=4 |pages=299–304 |year=2018 |doi=10.5144/0256-4947.2018.299 |pmid=30078029 |pmc=PMC6086671}}</ref><ref name="DXCLab">{{cite web |url=https://www.dxc.technology/healthcare/offerings/139499/139776-dxc_laboratory_information_management_lims |title=DXC Laboratory Information Management (LIMS) |publisher=DXC Technology Services, LLC |accessdate=05 September 2020}}</ref>

'''The QAO and managed security services'''
* '''consent management''': In clinical medicine, patients typically must sign a form indicating informed consent to medical treatment.<ref name="AMAInformed">{{cite web |url=https://www.ama-assn.org/delivering-care/ethics/informed-consent |title=Informed Consent |work=Code of Medical Ethics |publisher=American Medical Association |accessdate=22 September 2020}}</ref> Biobanking facilities, which store biospecimens, also must collect consent forms regarding how a patient's biospecimens may be used.<ref name="AveryBiobank18">{{cite web |url=https://www.biobanking.com/biobanking-consent-informing-human-subjects-of-the-possibilities/ |title=Biobanking Consent: Informing Human Subjects of the Possibilities |author=Avery, D. |work=Biobanking.com |date=16 July 2018 |accessdate=22 September 2020}}</ref> In all cases, these consent documents drive how and when certain actions take place. Though not common, some LIMS like LabVantage Pathology by Software Point<ref name="SPLabVantPath">{{cite web |url=https://softwarepoint.com/solutions/product/labvantage-pathology |title=LabVantage Pathology |publisher=Software Point Oy |accessdate=22 September 2020}}</ref> provide consent management mechanisms within their PIMS, giving pathologists the ability to quickly verify consent details electronically. In biobanking solutions, this consent management process may be more rigorous to ensure biospecimen donors' preferences and regulatory requirements are being carefully followed. For example, the system may need to be able to prevent further use of a biospecimen and trigger sample and data deletion protocols when a donor withraws their consent to use.<ref name="BikaNCV15">{{cite web |url=https://www.bikalims.org/downloads/bika-open-source-biobank-management-system/at_download/file |format=PDF |title=NCB-H3A Cape Town Biobank Management System - Functional Requirements Overview & Phase I Objectives |author=SANBI; Bika Lab Systems |publisher=Bika Lab Systems |date=20 November 2015 |accessdate=22 September 2020}}</ref>

Where does a QAO and an MSS intersect in the lab? Judging by the previous statement that the QAO may need to review organizational documentation and training material regarding cybersecurity—and even audit or assess personnel on their use of that documentation and training—we can see deduce that a QAO may be required to audit the effectiveness of any implemented MSS, or at least the documentation and processes related to the MSS. Again, it's likely in mid- to large size organizations this responsibility will fall upon the shoulders of an IT lead or IT quality officer. However, these resources may not be readily available in some laboratory settings. If those resources aren't available, the QAO may be required to know more than they expected about what managed security services entail. They won't need to be MSS experts, but as the nature of computing in the laboratory continues to evolve, having laboratory staff with relevant knowledge of automation, data management systems, and even the cloud is increasingly vital.<ref name="LiskouskiLab20" />
* '''case management and review''': Most PIMS provide a means for managing pathology cases, recorded instances of disease and its attendant circumstances.<ref name="FarlexCase12">{{cite web |url=https://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/case |title=case |work=Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary |date=2012 |accessdate=25 September 2020}}</ref> This includes the management of case history, a collection of data concerning an individual, their family, their environment, their medical history, and other other information valuable for analyzing, diagnosing, reviewing, or otherwise instructing others on the case.<ref name="MKECase03">{{cite web |url=https://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/case |title=case |work=Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition |date=2003 |accessdate=25 September 2020}}</ref> Having an information system to better manage data entry, data analysis, case tracking, and case storage may aid in secondary and internal case reviews before final report, which have been shown to improve diagnostic accuracies and overall experiential knowledge of pathologists.<ref name="HuckKnowledge15">{{cite book |chapter=Chapter 7: Knowledge, Training, and Experience |title=Error Reduction and Prevention in Surgical Pathology |author=Huck, A.; Nosé, V. |editor=Nakhleh, R.E. |publisher=Springer |pages=103–114 |year=2015 |isbn=9781493923397 |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=HXAKBwAAQBAJ&pg=PA103}}</ref> Aspects of case manamagement and review that a PIMS may handle include automatic case creation, automatic and priority case assignment, and automatic case tracking, as well as limit case acces based on user permissions, and send alerts for clinical history follow-ups and other case statuses.<ref name="LLAnatom" /><ref name="PIMSPathX">{{cite web |url=http://pathxlis.com/downloads/PDFs/PathX%20-%20Capabilities%20Brochure.pdf |format=PDF |title=PathX Laboratory Information System |publisher=Physicians Independent Management Services |accessdate=25 September 2020}}</ref><ref name="LBAperioPathDX">{{cite web |url=https://www.leicabiosystems.com/digital-pathology/manage/aperio-path-dx/ |title=Aperio Path DX - Case Management Software |publisher=Leica Biosystems Nussloch GmbH |accessdate=25 September 2020}}</ref> Note that a handful of vendors such as Leica Biosystems provide stand-alone case management solutions that can be integrated with instruments and other LIS systems.<ref name="LBAperioPathDX" />

'''The QMS and cybersecurity'''
* '''workflow management''': The tools for workflow management have become increasingly common in PIMS and other laboratory informatics applications over the years, with the idea of using automation to improves efficiencies and accuracies in the lab. However, workflows and protocols can differ—sometimes significantly—from one pathology lab to another. Being able to configure workflow pathways in the PIMS to be compliant with required testing protocols is vital. This is especially important with the gradual transition to more digital pathology methods, where digitally sharing cases and automatically scanned slide images has great value.<ref name="XifinIsYour20">{{cite web |url=https://www.xifin.com/resources/blog/201912/your-lab-ready-ai-digital-pathology-workflow |title=Is Your Lab Ready for an AI Digital Pathology Workflow? |publisher=XIFIN, Inc |date=03 January 2020 |accessdate=25 September 2020}}</ref> As such, vendors such as Orchard Software and XIFIN provide solutions with configurable workflows to help labs translate their workflows into the system.<ref name="OSOrchPath" /><ref name="XIFINLabInfoSys">{{cite web |url=https://www.xifin.com/products/laboratory-information-system |title=Laboratory Information System |publisher=XIFIN, Inc |accessdate=25 September 2020}}</ref>

In 2019, scientific and business consultancy Brevitas brought up the challenges of addressing cybersecurity in laboratories and other settings, noting evolving guidance that strives to address the business policies, security controls, informatics systems, and security monitoring required to better ensure the integrity and security of electronic records and data. They are one of a handful of consultancies that have publicly tied these types of standard-driven cybersecurity measures directly to the QMS<ref name="BrevitasCyber19">{{cite web |url=https://brevitas.us/cybersecurity-response/ |title=Cybersecurity Response |publisher=Brevitas |date=2019 |accessdate=21 August 2021}}</ref>:
* '''speech recognition and transcription management''': Like other medical fields, pathologists may utilize dictation and transcription services within their workflow. This has traditionally involved the pathologist speaking while a transcriptionist manually records the words to paper, or the pathologist scribbling notes in shorthand, with the transcriptionist "translating" the notes to usable clinical documentation. This could include anything from specimen descriptions and diagnoses to pathology obsevations and procedure notes. PIMS vendors have over the years added more automated methods to such tasks in their solutions, however, such as speech recognition modules and transcription management tools that, for example, automatically assign recordings to a transcriber's pending work list.<ref name="NPSoftware13" /><ref name="SPLabVantPath" /><ref name="AspyraAnaPath" /><ref name="PIMSPathX" />

<blockquote>The challenge is in ensuring that these measures are effectively integrated into the existing processes outlined in the organization’s quality management system (QMS). Consideration needs to be given to first integrating cybersecurity into risk and/or criticality assessments, then downstream into system security testing during qualification and/or validation activities. As the technological landscape evolves, organizations must be more effective in their implementation of cybersecurity measures to ensure the safety of their electronic records and data. These measures must be considered as part of the QMS for all activities involved in the lifecycle of a computerized system.</blockquote>
:It's important to note, however, though PIMS vendors may market the speech recognition component of their solution at being 99 percent effective, past studies have shown 88.9 to 96 percent accuracy, though with tiny annual gains as the technology matures.<ref name="HodgsonRisks16">{{cite journal |title=Risks and benefits of speech recognition for clinical documentation: A systematic review |journal=JAMIA |author=Hodgson, T.; Coiera, E. |volume=23 |issue=e1 |pages=e169–79 |year=2016 |doi=10.1093/jamia/ocv152 |pmid=26578226 |pmc=PMC4954615}}</ref><ref name="ZhouAnal18">{{cite journal |title=Analysis of Errors in Dictated Clinical Documents Assisted by Speech Recognition Software and Professional Transcriptionists |journal=JAMA Network Open |author=Zhou, L.; Blackley, S.V.; Kowalski, L. et al. |volume=1 |issue=3 |at=e180530 |year=2018 |doi=10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2018.0530 |pmid=30370424 |pmc=PMC6203313}}</ref> If speech recognition is being used in lieu of a hired transcriptionist, it's especially vital to add manual editing and review before reporting.<ref name="ZhouAnal18" /><ref name="MatthewsWhyMed19">{{cite web |url=https://www.healthitoutcomes.com/doc/why-medical-dictation-is-still-better-than-voice-recognition-for-now-0001 |title=Why Medical Dictation Is Still Better Than Voice Recognition ... For Now |author=Matthews, K. |work=Health IT Outcomes |date=20 December 2019 |accessdate=25 September 2020}}</ref>

As has been previously mentioned, this type of philosophy is already woven into the fabric of medical device regulation and standardization, with 21 CFR 820 on quality system regulation, ISO 13485:2016 on quality management systems, and ANSI/CAN/UL 2900 on ensuring medical device security driving how medical device cybersecurity is addressed in the manufacturer's quality management system.<ref name="ApracitiCyber" /><ref name="LincolnCyber17">{{cite web |url=https://www.ivtnetwork.com/article/cybersecurity-buzzword-or-serious-safety-concern |title=Cybersecurity - Buzzword or Serious Safety Concern? |author=Lincoln, J.E. |work=IVT Network |date=17 April 2017 |accessdate=21 August 2021}}</ref><ref name="HeylOverview17">{{cite web |url=https://www.cybersecuritysummit.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/4.00-Justin-Heyl.pdf |format=PDF |title=Overview of UL 2900 - Medical Device Cybersecurity Workshop |author=Heyl, J. |publisher=UL |date=October 2017 |accessdate=21 August 2021}}</ref><ref name="UL2900ACyber19">{{cite web |url=https://www.fda.gov/media/123068/download |format=PDF |title=UL 2900: A Cybersecurity aid for industry and regulators |publisher=UL |date=2019 |accessdate=21 August 2021}}</ref><ref name="ISO13485">{{cite web |url=https://www.iso.org/standard/59752.html |title=ISO 13485:2016 Medical devices — Quality management systems — Requirements for regulatory purposes |publisher=ISO |date=March 2016 |accessdate=21 August 2021}}</ref> And it may be even easier for medical device manufacturers—as well as other laboratory types—to compile, organize, disseminate, and train upon cybersecurity risk analysis data and procedural documentation with the help of an electronic QMS.<ref name="JensenHow17" /> However, we can turn to some other businesses who have included security standards in their quality management system. Technology consultancy Konsolute has discussed why it chose to integrate ISO 27001 on information security management (and the information security management system or ISMS) into its business processes and the development of its electronic QMS, noting benefits of improved compliance, lower security risk, improved financial savings, improved reputation, and more new business.<ref name="KonsoluteCyber21">{{cite web |url=https://www.konsolute.com/blog/iso-27001-cybersecurity-quality-management/ |title=Cybersecurity of the future: Why we include ISO 27001 as standard in our Quality Management System |publisher=Konsolute |date=30 April 2021 |accessdate=21 August 2021}}</ref>  
* '''storage and tissue bank management''': Biorepositories and pathology laboratories go hand-in-hand. A significant example can be found with the relationship medical school biorepositories have with their pathology labs and departments, as with, for example, Duke University<ref name="DukeBiorep">{{cite web |url=https://pathology.duke.edu/core-facilities-services/biorepository-precision-pathology-center |title=Biorepository & Precision Pathology Center |publisher=Duke University School of Medicine |accessdate=22 September 2020}}</ref>, University of Illinois Chicago<ref name="UIC_UIHealthBio">{{cite web |url=https://rrc.uic.edu/cores/rsd/biorepository/ |title=UI Health Biorepository |publisher=University of Illinois Chicago |accessdate=22 September 2020}}</ref>, and the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai.<ref name="IcahnBiorep">{{cite web |url=https://icahn.mssm.edu/research/portal/resources/deans-cores/biorepository-and-pathology |title=Biorepository and Pathology |publisher=Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai |accessdate=22 September 2020}}</ref> However, even small pathology laboratories must also responsibly store and track their specimens, blocks, and slides, as well as the storage variables affecting them. Any reputable laboratory informatics solution will be able to track the location of such items through barcode or RFID support, as well as allowing for the creation of named storage locations in the system. However, some informatics solutions like AgileBio's LabCollector go a step further, providing data logging modules that are capable of connecting to data logger hardware and other sensors that capture environmental storage information such as temperature, humidity, light level, carbon dioxide level, and pressure. When a variable is out of range, an alert can be sent and logged.<ref name="AgileBioDataLog">{{cite web |url=https://www.labcollector.com/labcollector-lims/add-ons/data-logger/ |title=Data Logger |publisher=AgileBio |accessdate=22 September 2020}}</ref> And full-fledged biorepository management LIMS may have all the bells and whistles, including randomized biospecimen location auditing.<ref name="AIBiobank">{{cite web |url=https://www.autoscribeinformatics.com/industries/biobank-management-systems |title=Biobank Management LIMS |publisher=Autoscribe Informatics, Inc |date=22 September 2020}}</ref>

As it turns out, the ISMS and ISO 27001 have a bit in common with the QMS and ISO 9001, primarily with the goal of improving quality within the organization. Here again we see the link between a focus on cybersecurity and ensuring quality within an organization.<ref name="CVGInform20">{{cite web |url=https://cvgstrategy.com/information-security-management-system/ |title=Information Security Management System (ISMS) |publisher=CVG Strategy |date=2020 |accessdate=21 August 2021}}</ref><ref name="PatelISO17">{{cite web |url=https://www.schellman.com/blog/iso-9001-and-27001-the-relationship |title=ISO 9001 and 27001 – The Relationship |author=Patel, N. |work=Schellman Blog |publisher=Schellman & Company |date=16 October 2017 |accessdate=21 August 2021}}</ref> Senior associate Nikita Patel of Schellman & Company highlighted this association in 2017, saying that an organization "achieving this dual certification of an ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 can prove incredibly useful—in doing so, an organization can simultaneously demonstrate an organization’s ability and commitment to information security risk management, while also validating their dedication to the optimal delivery of their quality products and services."<ref name="PatelISO17" /> From addressing anything from scoping, leadership, human resources support, and document management to internal auditing, measurement and monitoring, management review, and [[Continual improvement process|continual improvement]], both the ISMS, focused on information security, and QMS, focused on organizational quality, improve the overall quality of an organization and its efforts.
* '''task management''': Task management is a typical feature of a laboratory informatics solution, giving laboratorians the ability to assign tasks to individuals or groups of individuals, including analyses, results review, and more. In pathology labs, additional task and even management may include, for example, case assignment, slide or block assignment, grossing, staining, or some other pathology task. Additionally, some may incorporate this task management and tracking into a dashboard, to facility timely access to short-term status individual cases and specimens, and long-term aggregate data about cases, workflow, and workloads.<ref name="HalwaniAReal16">{{cite journal |title=A real-time dashboard for managing pathology processes |journal=Journal of Pathology Informatics |author=Halwani, F.; Li, W.C.; Banerjee, D. et al. |volume=7 |at=24 |year=2016 |doi=10.4103/2153-3539.181768 |pmid=27217974 |pmc=PMC4872478}}</ref>
* '''billing management with code support''': Instead of turning to a separate billing solution, pathology labs can often turn to PIMS for billing management. Vendors of LIS and LIMS have recognized not only the value of adding billing management to their solutions but also the many benefits that come with tying in diagnosis and billing code support. For example, a pathologist scanning a specimen into the system can not only have a case automatically generated but also auto-generate diagnosis codes based on the specimen or slide's code. Additionally, as has been witnessed during the [[COVID-19]] pandemic, billing rules may change rapidly during extraordinary events, requiring rapid used-defined billing rule changes.<ref name="FerranteCOVID20">{{cite web |url=https://www.foley.com/en/insights/publications/2020/04/covid19-cms-monumental-changes-medicare-telehealth |title=COVID-19: CMS Issues Monumental Changes to Medicare Telehealth: What You Need to Know |author=Ferrante, T.B.; Goodman, R.B.; Wein, E.H. |work=Insights, a Foley & Lardner LLP Blog |date=03 April 2020 |accessdate=25 September 2020}}</ref> As such, support for CPT, ICD-10, SNOMED CT, and other types of autocoding are somewhat common in today's PIMS.<ref name="NPSoftware13" /><ref name="LLAnatom" /><ref name="PIMSPathX" /><ref name="AspyraAnaPath" />
* '''reflex and adjunctive test reporting''': Ensure that a PIMS is capable of feeding any adjunctive test results into the final report, along with the results from the primary tests. Using adjunctive HPV test results as an example, the report should optimally include details such as assay name, manufacturer, the HPV types it covers, results, and any applicable educational notes and suggestions.<ref name="StolerAdjunctive15" /> Be careful with simple color-coding of results for interpretation, as they can be easily misinterpreted, including by the colorblind. A combination of symbol with color will help limit such misinterpretation.<ref name="SundinPath19" />
* '''structured data entry''': The concept of structured data entry (SDE) is relatively simple, but it may still get taken for granted. At its core, SDE is all about ensuring that entered data is based on a set of predefined conditions or rules, usually implemented through standardized forms with pre-determined drop-down and auto-populated fields.<ref name="PHIIUnderst">{{cite web |url=https://www.phii.org/sites/default/files/resource/files/Understanding%20Clinical%20Data%20and%20Workflow%20Guide.docx |format=DOCX |title=Analyzing Clinical Data and Workflows - 4. Understanding Clinical Data and Workflow |work=EHR Toolkit |author=Public Health Informatics Institute |accessdate=22 September 2020}}</ref> This typically confers numerous advantages, including easier data entry, easier and more standardized reporting, decrease costs, improve translational research, and ensure better compatibility and integration across different information systems.<ref name="PHIIUnderst" /><ref name="BataviaUsing18">{{cite journal |title=Using structured data entry systems in the electronic medical record to collect clinical data for quality and research: Can we efficiently serve multiple needs for complex patients with spina bifida? |journal=Journal of Pediatric Rehabilitative Medicine |volume=11 |issue=4 |pages=303–09 |year=2018 |doi=10.3233/PRM-170525 |pmid=30507591 |pmc=PMC6491202}}</ref> As such, some PIMS vendors like NovoPath and Orchard Software describe their solutions as having SDE elements such as enabling intelligent auto-loading of diagnosis and billing codes during case loading, allowing input fields to be required, and synoptic reporting support.<ref name="NPSoftwarePDF">{{cite web |url=https://www.novopath.com/content/pdf/novopathbrochure.pdf |format=PDF |title=NovoPath - Software Advancing Patient Diagnostics |publisher=NovoPath, Inc |date=2013 |accessdate=22 September 2020}}</ref><ref name="OSOrchPath">{{cite web |url=https://www.orchardsoft.com/orchard-pathology.html |title=Orchard Pathology |publisher=Orchard Software Corporation |accessdate=22 September 2020}}</ref>
* '''synoptic reporting''': [[LIS feature#Synoptic reporting|Synoptic reporting]] involves a structured, pre-formatted "checklist" of clinically and morphologically relevant data elements that help make pathology reporting more efficient, uniform, and relevant to internal and external stakeholders. Another way to put this is that synoptic reporting is SDE applied to the pathology report, often based upon specific reporting protocols by professional or standards organizations like the College of American Pathologists (CAP).<ref name="LLAnatom">{{cite web |url=https://www.ligolab.com/solutions/anatomic-pathology-solution |title=Anatomic Pathology Solutions |publisher=LigoLab, LLC |accessdate=23 September 2020}}</ref><ref name="NPSoftwarePDF" /> Support for synoptic reporting methods is typical within PIMS solutions, including support for configurable templates that can be adapted to changing and custom reporting protocols.
* '''correlative and consultive reporting''': In the late 1930s, the concept of correlating pathology results with clinical observations (and pathology) was beginning to be addressed in student textbooks.<ref name="JAMATextbook40">{{cite journal |title=''Textbook of Pathology. A Correlation of Clinical Observations and Pathological Findings'' |journal=JAMA |volume=114 |issue=2 |page=184 |year=1940 |doi=10.1001/jama.1940.02810020088032}}</ref> Today, the concept remains integral in medical practice and toxicologic study reporting.<ref name="SmithConstruct16">{{cite journal |title=Constructing Comments in a Pathology Report: Advice for the Pathology Resident |journal=Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine |author=Smith, S.M.; Yearsley, M. |volume=140 |issue=10 |pages=1023–24 |year=2016 |doi=10.5858/arpa.2016-0220-ED |pmid=27684971}}</ref><ref name="RamaiahInterp17">{{cite journal |title=Interpreting and Integrating Clinical and Anatomic Pathology Results: Pulling It All Together |journal=Toxicologic Pathology |author=Ramaiah, L.; Hinrichs, M.J.; Skuba, E.V. et al. |volume=45 |issue=1 |pages=223–37 |year=2017 |doi=10.1177/0192623316677068 |pmid=27879439}}</ref><ref name="AulbachOver19">{{cite journal |title=Overview and considerations for the reporting of clinical pathology interpretations in nonclinical toxicology studies |journal=Veterinary Clinical Pathology |author=Aulbach, A.; Vitsky, A.; Arndt, T. et al. |volume=48 |issue=3 |pages=389–99 |year=2019 |doi=10.1111/vcp.12772 |pmid=31556157}}</ref> On the clinical side, a pathologist may include the phrase "clinical correlation is recommended" and additional comments. And in some cases, a third-party pathology consultation, with their own respective comments, is involved with specimen analysis.<ref name="KaplanWhatIs14">{{cite web |url=https://blog.corista.com/corista-digital-pathology-blog/bid/389513/What-is-a-Pathology-Consultation-When-is-it-Used |title=What is a Pathology Consultation? When is it Used? |author=Kaplan, K. |work=Corista Digital Pathology Blog |date=19 June 2014 |accessdate=23 September 2020}}</ref> These correlative and consultive comments or reports play an important part in the overall final pathology report and should not be omitted, particularly if differing opinions are involved. Vendors such as Orchard Software, LigoLab, and Aspyra tout their solutions' ability to tie together multiple reports and comments across pathology disciplines and consultants into one concise report.<ref name="OSOrchPath" /><ref name="LLAnatom" /><ref name="AspyraAnaPath">{{cite web |url=http://aspyra.com/anatomic-pathology/ |title=Anatomic Pathology |publisher=Aspyra, LLC |accessdate=23 September 2020}}</ref>
* '''CAP Cancer Reporting Protocol support''': Previously mentioned was CAP and its reporting protocols. In particular, CAP has its Cancer Reporting Protocols, which the CAP describe as providing "guidelines for collecting the essential data elements for complete reporting of malignant tumors and optimal patient care."<ref name="CAPCancerProt20">{{cite web |url=https://www.cap.org/protocols-and-guidelines/cancer-reporting-tools/cancer-protocol-templates |title=Cancer Protocol Templates |publisher=College of American Pathologists |date=April 2020 |accessdate=23 September 2020}}</ref> In conjunction with its electronic Cancer Checklists (eCCs)<ref name="CAPeCC">{{cite web |url=https://www.cap.org/laboratory-improvement/proficiency-testing/cap-ecc |title=CAP eCC |publisher=College of American Pathologists |accessdate=23 September 2020}}</ref>, pathologists are able to integrate CAP cancer reporting protocols of tumors, resections, and select biopsies into their PIMS' workflow and ensure proper reporting outcomes. Some PIMS vendors (e.g., Orchard Software, LigoLab<ref name="OSOrchPath" /><ref name="LLAnatom" />) explicitly indicate their solution integrates CAP's eCC templates and reporting protocols into their solution.
* '''annotated organ mapping''': In the world of PIMS, organ mapping refers to the concept of placing location-specific diagnostic information from specimen analyses into an anatomical diagram, typically during reporting, to more clearly communicate the results of those analyses. PIMS vendor WebPathLab, Inc. demonstrates this concept well with its Auto Organ Map Module, which not only shows an organ map in the rport but also simplifies data entry for the pathologist using SDE.<ref name="WPLAuto19">{{cite web |url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NLr5_pLgYpg |title=AutoProstateMap |work=YouTube |author=WebPathLab, Inc |date=22 April 2019 |accessdate=23 September 2020}}</ref><ref name="WPLGUAuto">{{cite web |url=http://webpathlab.com/solutions/gu-auto-organ-map/ |title=GU Auto Organ Map Module |publisher=WebPathLab, Inc |accessdate=23 September 2020}}</ref> They use the prostate as an example, and explain that "selecting the predetermined number of quadrants in the prostate &#91;diagram&#93;, the system autopopulates the specimen description to each corresponding quadrant, and autofills the text for the Gross Description field, leaving only the dimension of each core to be entered by the grosser." NovoPath and Psyche Systems Corporation are additional examples of vendors incorporating organ mapping into their PIMS.<ref name="PsycheWindo" /><ref name="NPSoftwarePDF" />
* '''stain panel and unstained/control slide support''': A positive control slide is typically used to qualitatively assess how well a non-hematoxylin-eosin (non-H&E) or "special" stain performs against a gold standard like H&E, and the positive control is usually included with manufactured unstained slides (e.g., see Newcomer Supply's [https://www.newcomersupply.com/documents/product-flyers/Control%20Slide%20Brochure.pdf control slide catalog]). These slides may be used in histopathology (gauging the manifestation of disease in a tissue) and immunopathology (gauging immune response through visualization of an antibody-antigen interaction in a tissue). In particular, immunopathology and its associated immunohistochemistry may turn to special stain panels, which utilize multiple immunochemical stains to visualize the presence of more than one biomarker expression at the same time.<ref name="ShieldImmuno96">{{cite journal |title=Immunocytochemical staining of cytologic specimens. How helpful is it? |journal=American Journal of Clinical Pathology |author=Shield, P.W.; Perkins, G.; Wright, R.G. |volume=105 |issue=2 |pages=157–62 |year=1996 |doi=10.1093/ajcp/105.2.157 |pmid=8607438}}</ref><ref name="MartinEval14">{{cite journal |title=Evaluation of intestinal biopsies for pediatric enteropathy: A proposed immunohistochemical panel approach |journal=American Journal of Surgical Pathology |author=Martin, B.A.; Kerner, J.A.; Hazard, F.K. et al. |volume=38 |issue=10 |pages=1387–95 |year=2014 |doi=10.1097/PAS.0000000000000314 |pmid=25188866}}</ref><ref name="TorbensonImmuno19">{{cite web |url=https://abdominalkey.com/immunohistochemistry-and-special-stains-in-liver-pathology/ |title=Chapter 4. Immunohistochemistry and Special Stains in Liver Pathology |author=Torbenson, M.S. |work=Abdominalkey |date=24 November 2019 |accessdate=23 September 2020}}</ref> Vendors like NovoPath and Integrated Business Solutions Group explicitly state their solution supports the management of these types of slides and stain panels.<ref name="NPSoftwarePDF" /><ref name="IBSGLabLion">{{cite web |url=https://www.lablion.com/lablion-lis-laboratory-information-system |title=LABLION Software Suite |publisher=Integrated Business Solutions Group, LLC |accessdate=23 September 2020}}</ref>
* '''grossing support''': In medical terms, the adjective "gross" means "visible without the aid of a microscope."<ref name="MWGross">{{cite web |url=https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/gross |title=Gross |work=Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary |publisher=Merriam-Webster |accessdate=23 September 2020}}</ref> By extension, gross examination (i.e., grossing) involves a macroscopic visual assessment of a biospecimen before preparation for microscopy, in order to gleen diagnostic information. Grossing remains a valuable skill used in modern pathology.<ref name="RutgushreeGrossing18">{{cite journal |title=Grossing of tissue specimens in oral pathology - Elemental guidelines |journal=International Journal of Oral Health Sciences |author=Ruthushree, T.; Harsha, M.; Amberkar, V.S. |volume=8 |issue=2 |pages=63–7 |year=2018 |doi=10.4103/ijohs.ijohs_32_18}}</ref><ref name="SchubertTheArt19">{{cite web |url=https://thepathologist.com/inside-the-lab/the-art-of-grossing |title=The Art of Grossing: Gross examination underpins all diagnoses based on tissue samples – but is this vital skill given the credit it deserves? |author=Schubert, M.; Nashm C; McCoy, J. |work=The Pathologist |date=26 November 2019 |accessdate=23 September 2020}}</ref> Some PIMS provide a grossing menu for pathologists to scan in and include commentary about a gross examination of a specimen.<ref name="LLAnatom" />
* '''high-risk patient follow-up''': A 2015 study published in ''Annals of Family Medicine'' showed evidence that "patients with high clinical complexity and high risk of readmission" benefited from early outpatient follow-up.<ref name="JosztHigh15">{{cite web |url=https://www.ajmc.com/view/high-risk-patients-benefit-significantly-from-early-follow-up-post-hospital-discharge |title=High-Risk Patients Benefit Significantly From Early Follow-up Post Hospital Discharge |author=Joszt, L. |work=The American Journal of Managed Care |date=20 April 2015 |accessdate=23 September 2020}}</ref><ref name="JacksonTimeli15">{{cite journal |title=Timeliness of Outpatient Follow-up: An Evidence-Based Approach for Planning After Hospital Discharge |journal=Annals of Family Medicine |author=Jackson, C.; Shahsahebi, M.; Wedlake, T. et al. |volume=13 |issue=2 |pages=115–22 |year=2015 |doi=10.1370/afm.1753}}</ref> The authors concluded : "Follow-up within seven days was associated with meaningful reductions in readmission risk for patients with multiple chronic conditions and a greater than 20% baseline risk of readmission, a group that represented 24% of discharged patients." Presumably some health care systems are synthesizing that information into their patient workflows, likely through some sort of scheduled event and alert in their primary informatics system, e.g., an [[electronic health record]] (EHR) system.<ref name="FutrellHealth18">{{cite web |url=https://www.mlo-online.com/information-technology/lis/article/13009479/health-information-technology-can-support-population-health-management |title=Health information technology can support population health management |author=Futrell, K. |work=Medical Laboratory Observer |date=18 April 2018 |accessdate=23 September 2020}}</ref> Though not common, at least one PIMS vendor—LigoLab, LLC—indicates their solution helps address high-risk patient follow-up, though it's not clear how.<ref name="LLAnatom" />
* '''research animal support''': Non-clinical pathology and toxicology laboratories assisting with research and evaluation studies may be handling non-human specimens or even live research animals. Additional data about these animals, animal groups, and animal tissues may need to be carefully documented as part of a study. As such, some solutions such as Instem's Provantis preclinical pathology solution are designed to record specific animal and group identifiers, animal cross-reference information, organ weight ratios, palpable mass diagnoses, and other attributes for reporting.<ref name="InstemProvantis">{{cite web |url=https://www.instem.com/solutions/provantis/index.php#2 |title=Provantis: Integrated preclinical software |publisher=Instem LSS Limited |accessdate=23 September 2020}}</ref>

'''The QAO in the context of these three points'''

Where does this all place the quality assurance officer in the scope of laboratory quality and information security? Whether it's managed security services, private or public cloud services, in-house networking, or a mix of all these, the modern laboratory is a technology-driven business requiring modern approaches to addressing the risks that technology carries with it. An on-site IT staff may handle many of the details associated with those efforts, but the QAO of the 2020s needs to also be familiar with how that technology works and how it impacts organizational quality initiatives. The QAO will interact with the lab's QMS, and perhaps even the ISMS if one separately exists. Ideally cybersecurity policy and procedure is already woven into the various elements of the QMS, or, worst case, the lab doesn't have much of a cybersecurity policy. This is where the QAO of today's lab must shine, "ensuring organizational quality through the regular management, monitoring, review, and auditing of documentation, record systems, data, and processes as they relate to organizational quality and compliance frameworks and initiatives." That means also understanding how managed security services and cloud services operate. It's perhaps a tall ask, but in today's competitive laboratory environment, the tech-savvy QAO is more important than ever.


Latest revision as of 13:27, 6 September 2021

Broad feature set of a pathology information management solution

A pathology information management solution (PIMS) ...

  • automated reflex testing: Some PIMS vendors include pre-loaded, customizable lists of reflex tests associated with certain pathology procedures and their associated diagnoses. Optimally, these reflex texts are automatically suggested at specimen reception, based on specimen and/or pathology test type.[1][2] Examples of pathology-driven reflex testing in use today include testing for additional biomarkers for non-small-cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC) adenocarcinoma[3], HPV testing in addition to cervical cytology examination[4][5] (discussed further in "adjunctive testing"), and additional automatic testing based off routine coagulation assays at hemostasis labs.[6]
  • adjunctive testing: Adjunctive testing is testing "that provides information that adds to or helps interpret the results of other tests, and provides information useful for risk assessment."[7] A common adjunctive test performed in cytopathology is HPV testing.[4][5] The FDA described this as such in 2003, specifically in regards to expanding the use of the Digene HC2 assay as an adjunct to cytology[4]:

In women 30 years and older, the HC2 High-Risk HPV DNA test can be used with Pap to adjunctively screen to assess the presence or absence of high-risk HPV types. This information, together with the physician’s assessment of cytology history, other risk factors, and professional guidelines, may be used to guide patient management.

Some PIMS vendors allow users to manually add an adjunctive test to a primary pathology test, or in some cases this may be enabled as part of an automated reflex testing process.[8] However, ensure that any such solution is capable of feeding any adjunctive test results into the final report (see the subsection on this topic).
  • demand management: Similar to test optimization or clinical decision support, demand management mechanisms help laboratories reduce the amount of unnecessary and duplicate testing they perform. The idea of using demand management to reduce unnecessary pathology testing has been around since at least the beginning of the twenty-first century, if not well before, in the form of decision support systems and order request menus of informatics systems.[9] Lang described what the process of demand management would look like in a system like a laboratory information management system (LIMS) in 2013[10]:

When implementing a demand management tool it is important that the system used to manage a laboratory workload can correctly identify the patient and match requests with the patient’s medical record. Ideally there should be one unique identifier used (e.g., NHS number in the UK), which will allow the LIMS to interrogate the patient’s previous pathology result to allow identification of duplicate or inappropriate requests. If a subsequent request is blocked, then it is also important that there is real-time notification of a potential redundant test so that the requestor can make an informed choice on the clinical need of the test and if it is required to override the rule. It is important that there is a facility whereby the laboratory or requestor can record the reason for blocking a request or overriding the rule.

Today, some PIMS are designed to allow configurable rules and parameters to check for duplicate and unnecessary tests at various levels (e.g., by test ID or catalog type, activity type, or some other order level).[11][12]
  • consent management: In clinical medicine, patients typically must sign a form indicating informed consent to medical treatment.[13] Biobanking facilities, which store biospecimens, also must collect consent forms regarding how a patient's biospecimens may be used.[14] In all cases, these consent documents drive how and when certain actions take place. Though not common, some LIMS like LabVantage Pathology by Software Point[15] provide consent management mechanisms within their PIMS, giving pathologists the ability to quickly verify consent details electronically. In biobanking solutions, this consent management process may be more rigorous to ensure biospecimen donors' preferences and regulatory requirements are being carefully followed. For example, the system may need to be able to prevent further use of a biospecimen and trigger sample and data deletion protocols when a donor withraws their consent to use.[16]
  • case management and review: Most PIMS provide a means for managing pathology cases, recorded instances of disease and its attendant circumstances.[17] This includes the management of case history, a collection of data concerning an individual, their family, their environment, their medical history, and other other information valuable for analyzing, diagnosing, reviewing, or otherwise instructing others on the case.[18] Having an information system to better manage data entry, data analysis, case tracking, and case storage may aid in secondary and internal case reviews before final report, which have been shown to improve diagnostic accuracies and overall experiential knowledge of pathologists.[19] Aspects of case manamagement and review that a PIMS may handle include automatic case creation, automatic and priority case assignment, and automatic case tracking, as well as limit case acces based on user permissions, and send alerts for clinical history follow-ups and other case statuses.[20][21][22] Note that a handful of vendors such as Leica Biosystems provide stand-alone case management solutions that can be integrated with instruments and other LIS systems.[22]
  • workflow management: The tools for workflow management have become increasingly common in PIMS and other laboratory informatics applications over the years, with the idea of using automation to improves efficiencies and accuracies in the lab. However, workflows and protocols can differ—sometimes significantly—from one pathology lab to another. Being able to configure workflow pathways in the PIMS to be compliant with required testing protocols is vital. This is especially important with the gradual transition to more digital pathology methods, where digitally sharing cases and automatically scanned slide images has great value.[23] As such, vendors such as Orchard Software and XIFIN provide solutions with configurable workflows to help labs translate their workflows into the system.[24][25]
  • speech recognition and transcription management: Like other medical fields, pathologists may utilize dictation and transcription services within their workflow. This has traditionally involved the pathologist speaking while a transcriptionist manually records the words to paper, or the pathologist scribbling notes in shorthand, with the transcriptionist "translating" the notes to usable clinical documentation. This could include anything from specimen descriptions and diagnoses to pathology obsevations and procedure notes. PIMS vendors have over the years added more automated methods to such tasks in their solutions, however, such as speech recognition modules and transcription management tools that, for example, automatically assign recordings to a transcriber's pending work list.[1][15][26][21]
It's important to note, however, though PIMS vendors may market the speech recognition component of their solution at being 99 percent effective, past studies have shown 88.9 to 96 percent accuracy, though with tiny annual gains as the technology matures.[27][28] If speech recognition is being used in lieu of a hired transcriptionist, it's especially vital to add manual editing and review before reporting.[28][29]
  • storage and tissue bank management: Biorepositories and pathology laboratories go hand-in-hand. A significant example can be found with the relationship medical school biorepositories have with their pathology labs and departments, as with, for example, Duke University[30], University of Illinois Chicago[31], and the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai.[32] However, even small pathology laboratories must also responsibly store and track their specimens, blocks, and slides, as well as the storage variables affecting them. Any reputable laboratory informatics solution will be able to track the location of such items through barcode or RFID support, as well as allowing for the creation of named storage locations in the system. However, some informatics solutions like AgileBio's LabCollector go a step further, providing data logging modules that are capable of connecting to data logger hardware and other sensors that capture environmental storage information such as temperature, humidity, light level, carbon dioxide level, and pressure. When a variable is out of range, an alert can be sent and logged.[33] And full-fledged biorepository management LIMS may have all the bells and whistles, including randomized biospecimen location auditing.[34]
  • task management: Task management is a typical feature of a laboratory informatics solution, giving laboratorians the ability to assign tasks to individuals or groups of individuals, including analyses, results review, and more. In pathology labs, additional task and even management may include, for example, case assignment, slide or block assignment, grossing, staining, or some other pathology task. Additionally, some may incorporate this task management and tracking into a dashboard, to facility timely access to short-term status individual cases and specimens, and long-term aggregate data about cases, workflow, and workloads.[35]
  • billing management with code support: Instead of turning to a separate billing solution, pathology labs can often turn to PIMS for billing management. Vendors of LIS and LIMS have recognized not only the value of adding billing management to their solutions but also the many benefits that come with tying in diagnosis and billing code support. For example, a pathologist scanning a specimen into the system can not only have a case automatically generated but also auto-generate diagnosis codes based on the specimen or slide's code. Additionally, as has been witnessed during the COVID-19 pandemic, billing rules may change rapidly during extraordinary events, requiring rapid used-defined billing rule changes.[36] As such, support for CPT, ICD-10, SNOMED CT, and other types of autocoding are somewhat common in today's PIMS.[1][20][21][26]
  • reflex and adjunctive test reporting: Ensure that a PIMS is capable of feeding any adjunctive test results into the final report, along with the results from the primary tests. Using adjunctive HPV test results as an example, the report should optimally include details such as assay name, manufacturer, the HPV types it covers, results, and any applicable educational notes and suggestions.[5] Be careful with simple color-coding of results for interpretation, as they can be easily misinterpreted, including by the colorblind. A combination of symbol with color will help limit such misinterpretation.[3]
  • structured data entry: The concept of structured data entry (SDE) is relatively simple, but it may still get taken for granted. At its core, SDE is all about ensuring that entered data is based on a set of predefined conditions or rules, usually implemented through standardized forms with pre-determined drop-down and auto-populated fields.[37] This typically confers numerous advantages, including easier data entry, easier and more standardized reporting, decrease costs, improve translational research, and ensure better compatibility and integration across different information systems.[37][38] As such, some PIMS vendors like NovoPath and Orchard Software describe their solutions as having SDE elements such as enabling intelligent auto-loading of diagnosis and billing codes during case loading, allowing input fields to be required, and synoptic reporting support.[39][24]
  • synoptic reporting: Synoptic reporting involves a structured, pre-formatted "checklist" of clinically and morphologically relevant data elements that help make pathology reporting more efficient, uniform, and relevant to internal and external stakeholders. Another way to put this is that synoptic reporting is SDE applied to the pathology report, often based upon specific reporting protocols by professional or standards organizations like the College of American Pathologists (CAP).[20][39] Support for synoptic reporting methods is typical within PIMS solutions, including support for configurable templates that can be adapted to changing and custom reporting protocols.
  • correlative and consultive reporting: In the late 1930s, the concept of correlating pathology results with clinical observations (and pathology) was beginning to be addressed in student textbooks.[40] Today, the concept remains integral in medical practice and toxicologic study reporting.[41][42][43] On the clinical side, a pathologist may include the phrase "clinical correlation is recommended" and additional comments. And in some cases, a third-party pathology consultation, with their own respective comments, is involved with specimen analysis.[44] These correlative and consultive comments or reports play an important part in the overall final pathology report and should not be omitted, particularly if differing opinions are involved. Vendors such as Orchard Software, LigoLab, and Aspyra tout their solutions' ability to tie together multiple reports and comments across pathology disciplines and consultants into one concise report.[24][20][26]
  • CAP Cancer Reporting Protocol support: Previously mentioned was CAP and its reporting protocols. In particular, CAP has its Cancer Reporting Protocols, which the CAP describe as providing "guidelines for collecting the essential data elements for complete reporting of malignant tumors and optimal patient care."[45] In conjunction with its electronic Cancer Checklists (eCCs)[46], pathologists are able to integrate CAP cancer reporting protocols of tumors, resections, and select biopsies into their PIMS' workflow and ensure proper reporting outcomes. Some PIMS vendors (e.g., Orchard Software, LigoLab[24][20]) explicitly indicate their solution integrates CAP's eCC templates and reporting protocols into their solution.
  • annotated organ mapping: In the world of PIMS, organ mapping refers to the concept of placing location-specific diagnostic information from specimen analyses into an anatomical diagram, typically during reporting, to more clearly communicate the results of those analyses. PIMS vendor WebPathLab, Inc. demonstrates this concept well with its Auto Organ Map Module, which not only shows an organ map in the rport but also simplifies data entry for the pathologist using SDE.[47][48] They use the prostate as an example, and explain that "selecting the predetermined number of quadrants in the prostate [diagram], the system autopopulates the specimen description to each corresponding quadrant, and autofills the text for the Gross Description field, leaving only the dimension of each core to be entered by the grosser." NovoPath and Psyche Systems Corporation are additional examples of vendors incorporating organ mapping into their PIMS.[2][39]
  • stain panel and unstained/control slide support: A positive control slide is typically used to qualitatively assess how well a non-hematoxylin-eosin (non-H&E) or "special" stain performs against a gold standard like H&E, and the positive control is usually included with manufactured unstained slides (e.g., see Newcomer Supply's control slide catalog). These slides may be used in histopathology (gauging the manifestation of disease in a tissue) and immunopathology (gauging immune response through visualization of an antibody-antigen interaction in a tissue). In particular, immunopathology and its associated immunohistochemistry may turn to special stain panels, which utilize multiple immunochemical stains to visualize the presence of more than one biomarker expression at the same time.[49][50][51] Vendors like NovoPath and Integrated Business Solutions Group explicitly state their solution supports the management of these types of slides and stain panels.[39][52]
  • grossing support: In medical terms, the adjective "gross" means "visible without the aid of a microscope."[53] By extension, gross examination (i.e., grossing) involves a macroscopic visual assessment of a biospecimen before preparation for microscopy, in order to gleen diagnostic information. Grossing remains a valuable skill used in modern pathology.[54][55] Some PIMS provide a grossing menu for pathologists to scan in and include commentary about a gross examination of a specimen.[20]
  • high-risk patient follow-up: A 2015 study published in Annals of Family Medicine showed evidence that "patients with high clinical complexity and high risk of readmission" benefited from early outpatient follow-up.[56][57] The authors concluded : "Follow-up within seven days was associated with meaningful reductions in readmission risk for patients with multiple chronic conditions and a greater than 20% baseline risk of readmission, a group that represented 24% of discharged patients." Presumably some health care systems are synthesizing that information into their patient workflows, likely through some sort of scheduled event and alert in their primary informatics system, e.g., an electronic health record (EHR) system.[58] Though not common, at least one PIMS vendor—LigoLab, LLC—indicates their solution helps address high-risk patient follow-up, though it's not clear how.[20]
  • research animal support: Non-clinical pathology and toxicology laboratories assisting with research and evaluation studies may be handling non-human specimens or even live research animals. Additional data about these animals, animal groups, and animal tissues may need to be carefully documented as part of a study. As such, some solutions such as Instem's Provantis preclinical pathology solution are designed to record specific animal and group identifiers, animal cross-reference information, organ weight ratios, palpable mass diagnoses, and other attributes for reporting.[59]


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